We all experience anxiety on a daily basis. It is our natural biological reaction to stressful situations. For many, the symptoms of anxiety pass quickly. For many others, those anxiety symptoms never disappear. Over 40 million American adults are afflicted by some form of an anxiety disorder. Those anxiety disorders fill the individual with feelings of persistent dread, discomfort, worry, and anxiety. Fortunately, there are a number of effective and natural treatments for anxiety. Let’s dive into a few of the best ones and how they stand to benefit you.

The Best Natural Treatments For Anxiety

The most common treatment for anxiety disorders is prescribed medication. While those drugs can work well, they often come with negative side effects, like nausea, headaches, and weight gain. Those meds can also lead some people to develop a dependency on them. It’s best to steer clear of the prescription drugs and stick with some of these natural treatments for anxiety.

Regular Exercise

When it feels like you have a million things to do all at once, exercise can feel like a non-priority. You need to fight that instinctive feeling. If you suffer from anxiety disorders, then you should take the time to exercise whenever possible.

Exercise is one of the healthiest natural treatments for anxiety. Not only are you improving your fitness, but you’re also combatting your anxiety! Research has shown time and time again that exercise can help lower your anxiety levels. Physical activity helps clear your mind and gives you something else to focus on. Plus, exercise can burn up your anxious energy and give you a healthy outlet for your emotions.

Your routine workouts can also be the perfect remedy for stressful situations. Are you overly anxious about a presentation you’re giving in the morning? A 30-minute evening run can be the best support piece to help you control your anxiety.


We’ve all heard about the soothing natural effects of essential oils. Wellness professionals love to brag about the healing powers of these specialty oils. Even if they may sound a little hippy-dippy, there’s actually plenty of merit behind their claims. Everyone responds in different ways to different smells, but plant oils can actually be very beneficial for alleviating stress and anxiety.

Aromatherapy has been well documented as one of the best natural treatments for anxiety. One study found that the essential oil lavender can actually lower your heart rate and help ease anxiety-related sleep conditions. Those anti-anxiety properties aren’t just limited to lavender oil. Additional research has shown that other essential oils, like vetiver and rose oil, can also reduce anxiety and encourage relaxation.

To top it all off, aromatherapy can also:

  • Promote calmness
  • Encourage healthy sleeping patterns
  • Reduce muscle tension
  • Improve mood
  • And do much more

While there are other natural treatments for anxiety, the health benefits of aromatherapy are almost unparalleled. It might be worthwhile to include aromatherapy into your bedtime routine.

Spend Time With Animals

One of the best natural treatments for anxiety harkens back to our connection with the animal kingdom. When we spend time with animals, we can greatly reduce our anxiety and stress levels. A bounty of research has documented the numerous health benefits of interacting with animals.

Basically, when we pet, play with, or just spend time with an animal, our brain releases “happy” chemical hormones like serotonin. These hormones block the receptors of our brain cells, which makes us feel happier and less anxious. It’s an entirely natural way to clear up your anxiety and help you get on with your day.

A simple household pet, like a cat or a dog, can be the perfect support piece for your anxiety. For those with more intense anxiety disorders, an emotional support animal might be the better option.


Neurofeedback is definitely one of the best natural treatments for anxiety. This innovative treatment technique is a completely drug-free approach to alleviating the symptoms of anxiety disorders. At Braincode Centers, we specialize in this cutting-edge treatment and we’re proud to offer it in a wide variety of individual treatment plans.

When we do neurofeedback, we begin the process by first mapping out your brain’s electrical activity in real-time. Then, we implement a positive reward system to train your brain to respond more appropriately to various stimuli. With neurofeedback, we can basically retrain your brain to avoid anxious behaviors and encourage more calm responses to stressful situations.

With this non-invasive and drug-free approach, you can naturally treat your anxiety disorder and start living a more stress-free lifestyle.

Get One Of The Best Cutting-Edge Natural Treatments For Anxiety

Anxiety can make the small things feel like insurmountable challenges. That annoying feeling can make living a normal life incredibly difficult. At Braincode Centers, our expert clinicians will use cutting-edge techniques to help you gain better control over your anxiety. Whether you need neurofeedback or biofeedback, we’ll use the most effective natural treatments for anxiety to quell your anxious behaviors quickly and efficiently.

Contact Braincode Centers today to start naturally treating your anxiety without medication.