If you’ve ever suffered from a migraine, you know how debilitating the symptoms can be. Like a tidal wave; nausea, dizziness, and blurred vision come on without warning and incapacitate you. You may have tried everything from prescription medications to changing your diet to prevent these migraine attacks without success. If this sounds like you, then you may want to try neurofeedback for migraines in Dallas to rid yourself of them for good.

What is Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback is the process of measuring the brain’s electrical activity in real time and using a positive reward system to train your brain to respond more appropriately to various stimuli.

Neurofeedback is a training program specifically for your brain. It is not entirely unlike other types of training you may do – when you were learning calculus in school or when you are building muscle in the gym. Neurofeedback, also known as EEG Biofeedback, relies on the most fundamental conditioning, feedback, to create new pathways, new brainwave activity, and increased flexibility within the brain itself.

Your qEEG brain map informs the specific areas of your brain that can benefit from neurofeedback training. For example, the placement of the electrodes for activity measurement of a patient struggling with migraines is going to look quite different than a patient whose underlying issue is related to autism spectrum disorder.

Does it work for migraine relief?

Even just one migraine a month is enough to drive someone mad. Treatments for migraine headaches can be classified in two ways: acute and preventative.

Acute treatments relieve symptoms during a migraine attack. These are usually over-the-counter pain relievers and prescription medications, like triptans and ergotamine.

Preventative treatments reduce the chance of a migraine headache happening at all. These are often medications, such as antiepileptic drugs, beta-blockers, and certain classes of antidepressants. The struggle with these treatments is that they not only have side effects, but they also rarely treat all the symptoms one might experience during a migraine.

Braincode Centers is the leading provider of neurofeedback for migraine treatment in Dallas. Neurofeedback therapy works to alleviate all migraine symptoms by:

  • Retraining your brain to better respond to specific triggers and stressors, including migraines.
  • Developing new pathways to help improve brain function and result in fewer symptoms and neurological imbalances.
  • And reducing pain associated with migraines.

When conducted by our specialists, neurofeedback has been shown to help patients feel better within minutes after use. In fact, by stimulating the right areas of the brain, neurofeedback can provide immediate relief from many common ailments, not just migraines. However, studies show that up to 99% of neurofeedback patients who suffer from migraines report decreases in pain and migraine symptoms following treatment.

How long does neurofeedback take to work?

Many people experience significant relief after just one neurofeedback session. And as treatment sessions continue, the relief you experience can become even greater.

Are there any side effects of neurofeedback?

When exploring your options for migraine care, it’s completely warranted to wonder what the side effects are.

With neurofeedback training, it’s an entirely non-invasive experience. Neurofeedback training works through receptors that are applied to a cap you wear while you’re watching a TV show you enjoy, listening to music you like, or playing a game you’re fond of. The electrodes measure your brain activity so you can decrease unwanted behaviors and control your response to triggering stimuli. So, to answer the question, neurofeedback training doesn’t hurt, there’s no known negative side effects, and a reliance or “dependence” to this type of treatment is not likely.

What are the other benefits of Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback therapy is an ideal treatment option for many people. This therapy is incredibly effective at reducing and mitigating the symptoms of various conditions, such as:

  • Depression
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Symptoms of Anxiety
  • Chronic Pain in Patients
  • Autism
  • And more…

Are you a good candidate for Neurofeedback in Dallas?

If you’re looking for a drug-free treatment option for migraine symptom relief in Dallas, then neurofeedback is for you. The therapy is incredibly effective at reducing the symptoms of various conditions in a non-clinical setting. At Braincode Centers, we structure our treatments to:

In short, neurofeedback is an all-natural, drug-free, holistic approach to treating anxiety, depression, insomnia, pain, and many other symptoms and conditions.

Experience Lasting Relief with Neurofeedback For Migraines in Dallas

At Braincode Centers we offer the best options available for migraine headache treatments in Dallas. We understand how frustrating these attacks can be, especially if they occur frequently. That’s why we’ve developed a comprehensive program designed specifically to address each patient’s unique needs. With us, you’ll get access to the latest research on alternative therapies. And you’ll receive individualized care based on your specific condition and lifestyle goals.

Contact Braincode Centers in Dallas today to learn more about treating your migraines without drugs.