Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent mental illness in the United States, with more than 40 million Americans 18 and up suffering every year. To put that in perspective, that’s approximately 18% of the total population in the United States. The numbers are even higher among teens, with 25% suffering from an anxiety disorder. And with COVID-19 and the resulting shutdowns, more and more people are struggling to manage their mental health. The good news is, anxiety disorders are highly treatable. But traditional treatment options such as talk therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes alone don’t always give people the relief they really need. If you’re interested in more natural anxiety treatment in DTC, you’ve come to the right place.

Why incorporate more natural treatment options to manage your anxiety

If you have an anxiety disorder, you know all too well how challenging it can be to find a treatment plan that works for you. Prescribed medications often come with many difficult-to-deal-with side effects. And lifestyle changes, as simple as they may be, can be difficult to adopt and actually stick to. And although talk therapy has shown to be one of the most effective treatments for anxiety, many therapy-goers still struggle with their anxiety on a daily basis.

Incorporating more natural, holistic treatments for anxiety can decrease negative side effects associated with prescription mediation and give you the long-lasting relief you’ve been searching for.

Neurofeedback: an all-natural, non-invasive anxiety treatment option

If you’ve been searching for a more natural approach to managing your mental health, one treatment option to consider is neurofeedback. Neurofeedback is an all-natural, drug-free brain training treatment that measures your brainwaves in real-time to help you better self-regulate.

If you’ve ever heard of the term “biofeedback,” then you may already be a little familiar with neurofeedback as it’s very similar, but focused on the brain rather than the body.

Neurofeedback therapy is based on both applied neuroscience and data-based clinical practice, and there’s a ton of research supporting its effectiveness in treating anxiety.

Anxiety and the brain

To understand why neurofeedback is so effective in treating anxiety, it’s important to first gain an understanding of the relationship between the brain and anxiety. In a healthy brain, the central nervous system produces the right brainwaves at the right time.

There are five kinds of brainwaves: 1) Alpha, 2) Beta, 3) Delta, 4) Gamma, and 5) Theta. People with diagnosed anxiety disorders often have increased beta waves and decreased alpha waves. Alpha waves are most commonly associated with a sense of calm and peacefulness. Beta waves, on the other hand, are associated with alertness and concentration. But when too many beta waves are produced at too high of a frequency, it can cause anxiousness and agitation.

Neurofeedback therapy works to help you learn how to create more alpha waves and fewer beta waves. Through this self-regulation process, you’ll be able to effectively treat your anxiety.

Learn more about natural anxiety treatment in DTC

If you’re interested in learning more about natural anxiety treatment in DTC, you’ve come to the right place. At Braincode Centers, we offer top-of-the-line neurofeedback treatment so you can treat the problem right at the source.

Contact us today to start the path to better managing your mental health.