It’s often said that it takes a village to raise a child. Couldn’t the same be said for your mental health care? Mental health is one of those areas that can benefit greatly from a community approach. But are you aware of all the available mental healthcare options in your neighborhood? If not, you could be missing out on some of the best mental health resources in Highlands Ranch.

Believe it or not, your behavioral health affects the vibrancy of the community. That’s why it’s important for Highlands Ranch residents to have access to resources that address your emotional wellness needs. And because there are many factors that impact your behavioral health, it can be beneficial to have a variety of multifaceted resources available.

We get it, though: it’s difficult to track down this information when you have so much on your plate. So, we’ve put together a list of mental health resources that are easily accessible right in Highlands Ranch. This list is not comprehensive but aims to help you with your mental health goals.

General & Emergency Mental Health Resources in Highlands Ranch

· Colorado Crisis Services

Colorado Crisis Services offers year-round 24/7 mental health support through crisis counselors, trained peer specialists, and an online article library. They can provide confidential support via call, text, or walk-in appointments in Highlands Ranch.

· NAMI Arapahoe/Douglas

This local NAMI chapter offers classes to cope with mental health symptoms for adults and children. They also offer a wealth of online resources, crisis services, a “Coffee and Connection” family support group, and more.

· Signal

An online database network that helps you find providers, treatment options, and crisis services serving the Highlands Ranch region.

· Support Team Assisted Response (STAR) Program

Denver’s pilot solution was designed during the COVID-19 pandemic to be an alternative to law enforcement as a first response to low-level mental health calls. “The STAR Program deploys Emergency Response Teams that include Emergency Medical Technicians and Behavioral Health Clinicians to engage individuals experiencing crises related to mental health issues, poverty, homelessness, and substance abuse,” (

· Braincode Centers

At our top-rated neurofeedback facility, we offer supplementary mental health care services and online resources. Our brain specialists will help you obtain optimal brain health through qEEG brain mapping, neurofeedback, and counseling.

Physical Health

Your physical wellbeing is a big factor in brain health and can have great importance in individuals with serious mental illness ( Thus, exercise can be an overlooked intervention in mental healthcare. Physical activity helps regulate mood by increasing circulation in the brain. It also helps reduce anxiety by influencing the brain region that controls fear and stress, which is the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.

Getting exercise also helps you with your self-esteem and comes with tons of other health benefits. So, why not begin a physical fitness program that works for you? Here are some mental health resources in Highlands Ranch for your physical wellbeing to get started:

· Local Gyms

· Free Community Fitness


Humans are social beings! Having a good support network and a variety of human connections is vital to our mental wellbeing. There are many different ways you can fulfill this area of your life. We’ve outlined several ideas and activities below to help you get involved and meet friends in the Highlands Ranch community no matter your walk of life or your age:

  • Volunteering
  • Community Events
  • Social Clubs
  • Classes & Education


Finding drug-free ways to relax improves anxiety and mental health disorders and comes with many other health benefits. Relaxation techniques can slow your breathing and calm your mind so that you can cope throughout your busy day. Be sure to check out some of these excellent local resources to help you reach an optimum state of relaxation.


Float Tanks

HBOT Therapy

IV Therapy


Meditation & Mindfulness

Meditation and mindfulness can be great tools to support your mental well-being. They’re highly effective methods for reducing anxiety, stress, and depression. These practices work by centering your mind in the present and focusing on calm, positive thoughts and repetitive breathing. Here are 3 resources in Highlands Ranch for practicing meditation and mindfulness.



The most important thing to remember when looking for mental health resources in Highlands Ranch is that each person has different needs. Your journey may look very different when compared to your friends and family. So, try out the different resources available and see what has the best results for you.

If you’re struggling with depression, anxiety, or any other mental illness, it requires a lifestyle plan rather than a quick fix. We hope these community resources help you find the best options to support your long-term goals for mental health improvement.

Improve Your Mental Health with Neurofeedback in Highlands Ranch

If you’re ready to take control of your mental health and retrain your brain, reach out to us at Braincode Centers. We offer free consultations for our wide array of mental health services so you can see if one of our therapies is right for you.

Contact us today to learn more about our Highlands Ranch neurofeedback offerings and resources.