According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, nearly 1 in 5 Americans struggle with mental health disorders. Traditional therapeutic and medical methods for treating mental health disorders have improved significantly over the years, but many people still struggle to manage their symptoms. As a result, many people use alternative and complementary treatment modalities to help better manage their mood disorders. If you’re on the search for alternative mental health services in Highlands Ranch, you’ve come to the right place.

Types of alternative mental health treatments

There are many different types of alternative mental health treatments available for you to try. Keep in mind what works for someone else may not always work for you. And it may take some trial and error to find a treatment that truly provides you with the relief you need. That said, here are some of the top treatments to try.


Neurofeedback is a type of all-natural, non-invasive brain training that’s used to help regulate your brainwave patterns. Often, people with mental health disorders have difficulty regulating their brainwaves.

A specific type of brainwave may be overproduced or underproduced, which is what contributes to your symptoms. Neurofeedback leverages the power of neuroplasticity to change the way your brain functions. Through operant conditioning and positive feedback, you learn how to better self-regulate your brainwave frequencies.

Neurofeedback has proved to be a promising treatment option for anxiety, depression, attachment disorders, and bipolar disorder, among many other brain-based conditions. In some cases, it may eliminate the need for medication altogether. For others, it helps inform which medications can be most beneficial in treating their disorder.

Mindfulness and meditation

Many people find that meditating and practicing mindfulness are both extremely beneficial for their mental health. Research has shown that meditating for just 10 minutes a day can strengthen the connection between your prefrontal cortex and amygdala—the “fear center” of the brain.

Abnormal functioning of the amygdala is often found in people with anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Research published on the NIH showed that meditation can also lead to a 65% increase in dopamine, the neurotransmitter that helps create feelings of pleasure and happiness. It also increases serotonin levels too, which is the “feel-good” neurotransmitter that helps stabilize mood and increase feelings of well-being.

Many people have also found that using a meditation app helps them be more consistent in their practices.


With a strong emphasis on breathing and mind-body connection, it’s no surprise that yoga has many benefits for mental health, including reduced depression and anxiety. Similar to how when you lift weights, your muscles grow stronger, yoga helps your mind grow stronger too by creating new neural connections.

Exercise, in general, is a great way to boost mood, reduce stress hormone levels, and produce endorphins, but yoga, in particular, has even more benefits. Yoga can help elevate gamma-aminobutyric acid levels, which is correlated with decreased anxiety and improved mood. Here are some local yoga studios in Highlands Ranch.

Learn more about alternative mental health services in Highlands Ranch

If you’re interested in learning more about alternative mental health services in Highlands Ranch, reach out to us today at Braincode Centers. We offer neurofeedback as well as traditional counseling to help you better manage your mental health and find the relief you’ve been searching for.

Contact us today for a free consultation.