People who suffer from anxiety are sometimes unable to cope with everyday life. Individuals with anxiety disorders often worry about everything, even when there is nothing to worry about. Anxiety controls every aspect of their lives, and they feel anxious when they can’t predict what might happen next. If you feel like your anxiety is getting the best of you, then we’ve got a great anxiety treatment in Dallas for you.

Understanding Anxiety

Your brain is hardwired to respond to external perceived threats by increasing stress hormones, like cortisol. When you’re anxious, your body reacts by shutting off other parts of your body, which allows your brain to focus on survival. So while some anxiety is good for you, an excessive amount of anxiety every day can lead to harmful consequences. You can change how your brain reacts to situations by learning new coping skills.

Anxiety is an emotion we feel when we’re afraid or worried about something bad happening. We may also be anxious if we’re feeling pressured by someone else, or if we’re trying to do something difficult. Labeling our feelings as anxiety helps us understand them better and allows you the opportunity to change how we respond to those external stressors. Learning how to cope with anxiety can improve your life and our anxiety treatment in Dallas can help.

What Causes Anxiety?

Anxiety is a mental disorder that affects millions of people each year. Anxiety disorders are not caused by a single aspect but rather by a combination of factors such as personality, life experiences, and physical health.

Some of the most common anxiety disorders include:

  • Panic attacks
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • Generalized anxiety disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Social phobia
  • Specific phobias
  • Separation anxiety

These disorders may additionally be caused by genetics, irregular brain chemistry, and even environmental factors. Some people with an anxiety disorder may experience more than one type of disorder. And in many cases, people who suffer from anxiety disorders may also struggle with depression.

The exact cause of anxiety disorders is clearly subjective and successful treatment can be hard. But, a drug-free anxiety treatment in Dallas is obtainable at Braincode Centers.

Brain Mapping to Treat Your Anxiety

At Braincode Centers, we have a variety of tools and resources at our disposal to treat your anxiety. Most commonly, we will kick things off with a qEEG brain map. Our brain mapping tools are used to study, scan and map electrical activity within brains.

Once your brain map is complete, we can use that information to see your brainwave patterns and cognitive functionality. We can use this to then identify which areas of our brains are causing dysfunction and treat it with our neurofeedback therapy.

The standard approach to treating anxiety is often a medical one. While it may deliver results, the effects are temporary and the side effects can be severe and long-term. That isn’t the case with neurofeedback.

Neurofeedback is a drug-free treatment that addresses the root of the problem rather than numbing your receptors to not feel anxious feelings.

Neurofeedback uses the brain’s natural ability to adapt to new situations to help it heal and overcome anxiety symptoms. Neurofeedback works by using an audio and visual feedback system to train your brain through the principle of operant conditioning. Through repeated exposure, this brain training can help bring your brain’s activity back into balance.

After the brain has learned to stay balanced, you begin to feel calmer and more in control. Neurofeedback has been shown to create real changes in the way your brain functions, just like physical exercise builds muscle mass.

Are You Ready to Discover our Natural Anxiety Treatment in Dallas?

If you’re interested in learning more about neurofeedback for anxiety, reach out to us at Braincode Centers. We will create a custom brain training program to help address your anxiety symptoms and help you live the best life possible.

Contact us today.