The relationships you have in your life, including the one you have with yourself, can be indicative of your overall quality of life. Several studies have shown the positive impact that strong relationships can have on our health and wellbeing (Better Health). But what happens when you have struggled with relationships and have incurred trauma from others? While traumatic events are not easy to address, a PTSD treatment in Denver can help you heal from past relationships and feel more secure in new relationships in your life.

Treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can help you create healthy relationships in every aspect of your life, from your coworkers to your romantic interests. Continue reading to learn more about how our treatment may help you grow and recover from past trauma.

What Are Attachment Styles?

Do you feel like your relationships are always leaving you wanting more love, respect, or trust? Engaging in unstable relationships can trigger unhealthy patterns in multiple areas of your life. Oftentimes, these relationship behaviors stem from a lack of stability in childhood. Growing up in an environment of fear, chaos, rejection, and/or abandonment has significant and long-lasting repercussions on physical and emotional health.

When you are brought up in an insecure environment, you can develop a form of attachment trauma. This means you might carry harmful beliefs that you are damaged, not lovable, or that you cannot trust anyone. Attachment trauma can lead you to withdraw from relationships in order to avoid further rejection or emotional pain. In other cases, you might feel overly dependent upon others and fearful of rejection.

If you relate to these symptoms, it is important to know that you are not alone. At Braincode Centers, we have several treatment options to help you navigate your emotional needs so you can interact with others in a more beneficial way for your personal well-being.

The right treatment for your trauma may depend on your attachment style. To summarize, there are basically four different kinds of attachment styles:

  1. Secure
  2. Anxious
  3. Avoidant
  4. Disorganized


This attachment style may form when a primary caregiver has been predictable, consistent, and trustworthy. This does not mean there has never been conflict, but rather that any problems were resolved in a healthy manner. A child who feels securely attached typically views a parent as a source of comfort and feels content exploring, learning, and playing. As an adult, this security translates into the ability to develop meaningful connections with others while handling inevitable conflicts skillfully.


This attachment style arises when a primary caregiver has been inconsistent and unpredictable. There may have been times in which you felt cared for, but these were interspersed with experiences of being yelled at or rejected for expressing your needs. These mixed messages typically lead to feelings of uncertainty because you could not trust that a loving and caring parent would be there when you needed them. In adulthood, those with an anxious attachment style commonly feel fearful about being abandoned accompanied by strong dependency needs toward others.


This attachment style arises when a primary caregiver has been disengaged, distant, and unavailable. In this case, your needs to be loved, accepted, seen, and understood were either dismissed or ignored. As a result, you learned to take care of your own needs by becoming independent and self-reliant. In adulthood, it is common for those with an avoidant attachment style to maintain a dismissive attitude toward their own emotions and extend this same position in their relationships with others. This may cause you to struggle with intimacy; especially when your partner desires a deeper connection.


In a disorganized attachment style, different relationships can trigger different reactions from you. If your caregiver was inconsistent or conditional with their love and care, you may experience a mixture of anxious and avoidant behaviors in relationships depending on the circumstances.

How an All-Natural PTSD Treatment Can Help

Developing secure relationships after a traumatic event or upbringing comes with experience and internal healing. If you suffer from PTSD, you may benefit greatly from a talk therapist. During your sessions, your therapist will delve into the issues you are experiencing in your relationships and get to the root of the emotional problem. They may even help you:

  • Develop healthy coping mechanisms
  • Determine boundaries with yourself and others
  • Help you understand childhood wounds
  • Provide clarity for failed relationships
  • Build your self-esteem to enter healthy and stable relationships

Of course, there are other treatments available. At Braincode Centers, we can develop a personalized treatment plan to address your trauma that integrates a number of innovative therapies. After completing a qEEG brain map, our specialists can develop a neurofeedback training program to help you overcome triggers and develop more appropriate cognitive behaviors.

Schedule Your PTSD Treatment in Denver with Braincode Centers Today

Don’t let your past stop you from enjoying stable and rewarding relationships!

At Braincode Centers, we will conduct a complete mental health assessment for you and develop a personalized treatment plan to address your needs. We can integrate several therapies into your plan, including talk therapy/counseling, to ensure you’re getting the best treatment possible for your needs.

Contact us today to learn more about your options for PTSD treatment in Denver.