Drug-Free Depression Treatment in Downtown Denver: Neurofeedback

1 in 8 Denver residents is clinically depressed, according to a new study from Denver Public Health. Depression is an exceptionally difficult mental health disorder to deal with. It can interfere with your daily tasks, ability to work, and emotional capacity to build and maintain relationships in your life. While there are many treatment options available for depression, such as talk therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes, many people still struggle on a daily basis. The good news is, those aren’t the only treatment options available to you. If you’re interested in drug-free depression treatment in downtown Denver, you’ve come to the right place. Neurofeedback is a fantastic option for anyone looking for a more natural approach to treating mental health disorders.

What is neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback is a type of bain-based training that uses EEG technology to measure brainwave frequencies and provide real-time feedback to help patients learn how better self-regulate their brainwave patterns.

Typically, there are 5 different brainwave frequencies and each one is responsible for different states of thought or experience. These include:

  • Gamma brainwaves – With a frequency of 32 – 100 Hz, Gamma brainwaves are associated with heightened perception, problem-solving, and learning. Some refer to these waves as the “peak mental state.”
  • Beta brainwaves – With a frequency of 13 – 32 Hz, Beta brainwaves are produced when we are alert and actively thinking.
  • Alpha brainwaves – With a frequency of 8 -13 Hz, Alpha brainwaves are produced when we are physically and mentally relaxed. They are often found when our eyes are closed, during activities such as yoga and art, or right before falling asleep.
  • Theta brainwaves – With a frequency of 4 – 8 Hz, Theta brainwaves are associated with creativity, dreaming, reduced consciousness, and meditation.
  • Delta brainwaves – With a frequency of 0.5 – 4 Hz, Delta brainwaves are produced when we’re enjoying restorative sleep in a dreamless state.

The link between irregular brainwaves and depression

People with depression often have irregular brainwave patterns. Their brains don’t produce the right waves, at the right times, in the right amounts. Neurofeedback can help correct this. With real-time feedback about the state of your brain, you can gain better control of your brainwave frequencies. And with enough practice, producing “normal” or “optimal” brainwaves will become second nature.

Treating the problem at the source, not just managing the symptoms

One of the many reasons neurofeedback is so effective in treating depression is because it addresses the problem at the source rather than just helping you manage or cope with the symptoms. By retraining your brain to function more optimally, you can find long-lasting relief.

Will I still need to take SSRIs and see a therapist?

While it is possible that you can cut back on or even eliminate your medication altogether, you should always consult with your doctor first. Many people find that neurofeedback is best used in conjunction with more traditional treatment options such as SSRIs and talk therapy.

Learn more about drug-free depression treatment in downtown Denver

If you’re interested in learning more about drug-free depression treatment in downtown Denver, reach out to us at Braincode Centers. Our neurofeedback specialists will pinpoint the areas of your brain that aren’t functioning optimally and create a personalized treatment plan to help you better manage your depression.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation for your drug-free depression treatment.