Children, teenagers, and adults can all benefit greatly from an emerging treatment technique called neurofeedback. This innovative therapy is highly effective at treating neurological conditions, but almost anyone can benefit from its wide range of advantages. Today we’ll touch on just a few of the many reasons to try neurofeedback in Dallas, TX.

What is Neurofeedback? And How Does It Work?

Neurofeedback, also called EEG biofeedback, is a type of brain training therapy. It relies on the concept of neuroplasticity to create new pathways in the brain and improve your brainwave activities.

During treatment, neurofeedback relies on operant conditioning to get the results that you want. By using real-time feedback of your brainwave activity, neurofeedback will work to retrain your brain.

When your brainwaves are in optimal ranges, you’ll receive a positive reward to reinforce that thought pattern. This is typically a video game, song, or movie. But once your brainwaves fall out of those ranges, the reward is taken away.

Through repeated treatment sessions, your brain will gradually adjust your cognitive behaviors.

What Benefits Can You Gain from Neurofeedback?

Most commonly, neurofeedback is used to treat a wide range of mental health conditions. These include:

In addition, neurofeedback is frequently leveraged to treat concussions and traumatic brain injuries too. However, neurofeedback therapy offers many benefits that virtually anyone can get behind.

Improved Memory

If you feel like your memory could use a tune-up, then give neurofeedback a try! Believe it or not, this type of biofeedback has been shown to help improve memory.

Research has shown that neurofeedback therapy helps improve episodic and semantic long-term memory (Scientific Reports). Other recent studies have supported these findings even further.

So, if you find things keep slipping your mind, it might be time to try this treatment modality.

Decreased Anxiety

We all feel anxious from time to time: it’s just a natural part of life. But it’s estimated nearly 20% of American adults are affected by an anxiety disorder. And with the recent pandemic, Americans are feeling more anxious more often these days.

Fortunately, neurofeedback may help alleviate your anxiety. A common symptom of anxiety is restlessness in the mind. In fact, anxiety is commonly associated with increased beta brainwaves and decreased alpha waves. Neurofeedback can help flip the script on these brainwave frequencies.

Research has shown that weekly neurofeedback treatment sessions can significantly improve anxiety symptoms (NeuroRegulation).

Better Quality Sleep

Millions of Americans suffer from chronic, long-term sleep disorders each year. If you’re having a hard time falling and staying asleep, consider trying neurofeedback training.

Improving your health and quality of sleep circles back to retraining your brainwave patterns. Neurofeedback can help improve sleep because it works on the areas of the brain that regulate sleep. Through this reward-based training program, you’ll create healthier thought patterns and habits to allow better quality sleep.

Improved Focus and Attention

Numerous studies have documented the positive impacts that neurofeedback has on focus-related disorders, like ADHD. But even if you don’t suffer from ADHD, your focus and attention skills can be greatly improved by a custom neuro-training program.

It’s the same with other skills, the more you practice, the better you’ll get at it. This type of cognitive training will help enhance your attention span, sharpen your mind, improve your reaction time, and more.

Enhanced Athletic Performance

Do you want to take your athletic skills to the next level? Then it might be time to train your brain rather than your body. After all: the better a person’s brain functions, the better that person functions overall!

Neurofeedback can enhance your athletic performance in several ways, which include:

  • Better attention and focus
  • Better emotional control
  • Slower cognitive decline
  • Improved reaction times
  • Restored brain function after a traumatic brain injury or concussion
  • And more

If you feel like your fitness has hit a plateau, then it’s time to book your first appointment for neurofeedback in Dallas, TX. This therapy could be exactly what your workout routine has been missing.

Improve Your Quality of Life with Neurofeedback in Dallas, TX

Prioritize your physical wellness and brain health today with Braincode Centers!

As a leading brain treatment center in Dallas, we’ll go the extra mile to meet your health and wellness needs. After completing your qEEG brain map, we’ll create a custom brain training program to address your needs.

Contact Braincode Centers today to set up your first appointment and learn more about neurofeedback in Dallas, TX.