Does Neurofeedback Have Side Effects? What are they?

Have you been considering neurofeedback treatment in Denver? If so, you are probably wondering if neurofeedback has side effects and if they are harmful. Well, you’re in luck. Neurofeedback is a side-effect-free treatment that is also drug-free and non-invasive.

What is Neurofeedback Therapy?

Neurofeedback therapy helps people learn to control the way their minds react to certain stressors. Neurofeedback therapy uses EEG (Electroencephalography) technology to monitor brain activity in real-time. Patients are taught to control their brain waves thanks to the real-time feedback from their clinicians. Through this brain-training therapy, patients can learn to better relax their minds, which can help reduce anxiety and stress.

What Can You Expect During a Neurofeedback Therapy Session?

Neurofeedback therapy requires a qualified specialist to administer it. Neurofeedback therapy sessions involve connecting electrodes to your scalp, progressing through a series of personalized training, and monitoring brain waves throughout. Your clinician will monitor your brain waves as you attempt to achieve an ideal mental state.

Neurofeedback is a process that helps you learn about your brain. The electrodes measure electrical activity in different parts of the brain and this information is then used to help you change your brain wave patterns. Over time, you will learn to train your brain for better well-being.

Factors That Can Influence Side Effects from Neurofeedback

There are some possible factors that might induce side effects during neurofeedback therapy. These factors could include things like:

  • Individual variations
  • The specific brain regions being trained
  • The experiences of the professionals
  • Whether you have preexisting neurological conditions

Some recreational activities or prescription drugs may alter brain activity, which is likely to provoke side effects. While most neurofeedback practitioners would say that side effects are minimal, it is important to never rely on someone else’s experience. Everyone is different and just because some people don’t experience side effects from neuro­feedback doesn’t mean that you’ll have the same reaction.

Risks of Neurofeedback and Side Effects

Neurofeedback therapy is generally considered to be safe and patients usually experience little-to-no negative side effects during and after treatment. The majority of patients do not experience side effects while receiving neurofeedback training, however rare reactions may occur.

It is important to remember that everyone is different and reactions to neurofeedback or side effects from sessions may vary. If you experience any side effects, it’s important to communicate that to your clinician so they can make adjustments to your treatment plan.

Schedule Your Neurofeedback Consultation in Denver Today

If you’re looking for neurofeedback training in Denver, Braincode Centers is the place to go.

We have highly trained experts who know the ins and outs of EEG biofeedback therapy (neurofeedback). After your initial consultation, we’ll create a detailed and personalized treatment plan for you. We’ll provide you with the tools to improve your physical or emotional health.

Contact Braincode Centers today to set up your consultation and find out if you could benefit from neurofeedback in Denver.