It’s natural to worry about things like health, family, or money. But if you have an anxiety disorder, that constant worry never goes away, and it can become much worse over time. The symptoms of an anxiety disorder can greatly interfere with your daily life, and, in some cases, they can be debilitating. As such, it’s important to find an anxiety treatment in Dallas that works for you.

There are a variety of treatments available today that may help you effectively manage your anxiety symptoms, from cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to medication and more. But which approach is best for you?

There’s No One-Size-Fits-All Treatment for Anxiety

Our collective understanding of mental health has changed greatly over the past few decades. There’s an abundance of anxiety disorders classified in the DSM-5, which include:

  • Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Social anxiety disorder and social phobias
  • Panic disorder
  • And more

Many of these conditions can co-exist with other mental health disorders, like depression. These co-occurring disorders can make it even more difficult for individuals to find effective treatment.

In addition, the cause(s) of your disorder can influence the approach you take to improve your symptoms. For instance, symptoms of anxiety can sometimes be caused by hormone imbalances, certain illnesses, or side effects of medications. Addressing those sources may be the right solution to your anxiety symptoms.

Simply put: a “one-size-fits-all” treatment plan doesn’t work for anxiety disorders.

The right treatment strategy for your anxiety symptoms will depend on your individual needs, goals, and preferences. In many cases, an anxiety treatment plan will simultaneously incorporate several treatment methods. This multi-modal approach allows patients to receive the benefits of each treatment for more comprehensive management of their anxiety symptoms.

Understanding the Anxiety Treatments Available Today

It’s best to look for evidence-based treatment options that have been heavily researched and refined over several decades. Your treatment options essentially boil down to a handful of categories:

  • Psychotherapies like cognitive behavioral therapy, EMDR, and others
  • Prescription medications like SSRIs, antihistamines, and beta-blockers
  • Brain training therapies like neurofeedback

Each one of these treatments comes with pros and cons. Prescription meds, for example, can effectively alleviate symptoms, however, that relief is only temporary, and some meds may cause unpleasant side effects like nausea, brain fog, and more.

Psychotherapy techniques have also been shown to be an effective treatment method for anxiety disorders and other mental health conditions. In fact, talk therapy is often used in conjunction with prescribed medications. However, therapy can force you to recall uncomfortable memories or painful feelings, which may cause you to feel vulnerable and, in some cases, may worsen your anxiety symptoms.

Brain training therapies, like neurofeedback, can often help alleviate anxiety symptoms in the long term. This treatment literally works to retrain your brain in a way that reduces the intensity of your symptoms and helps minimize the impact of anxiety triggers. It’s a science-backed therapy with a long track record of success, however, it has not yet gained widespread recognition, like talk therapy techniques.

Which Treatment is Best for You?

To determine which anxiety treatment in Dallas is best for you, it’s important to understand what you are comfortable with and what you have already tried.

If you’re looking for a drug-free, holistic, and natural anxiety treatment, try neurofeedback! This unique method can be customized to your exact needs and will be tailored to your brain behaviors as well after completing a qEEG brain map. Neurofeedback is a reliable treatment method because it treats the problem at the source: your brain.

By changing your cognitive behaviors and brainwave patterns, neurofeedback can help you find long-lasting symptom relief.

Get Started with Your Anxiety Treatment in Dallas Today

At Braincode Centers, we are proud to be a leading practitioner of neurofeedback in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Our team of brain training specialists will take the time to develop a custom treatment plan for you that incorporates neurofeedback alongside any existing treatment strategies. We also offer counseling at our clinic in Dallas to fully round out your personalized treatment.

Contact Braincode Centers today to schedule your neurofeedback consultation and learn if it’s the right anxiety treatment in Dallas for you.