Anxiety is exceptionally difficult to deal with. For many people, it impacts their ability to carry out day-to-day tasks. And although medication and cognitive behavioral therapy can help, sometimes it doesn’t give people the relief they really need. Luckily, there are other treatment options available that take a different approach to manage your symptoms. Neurofeedback, for example, addresses your anxiety problem right at the source: your brain. If you’ve been considering this treatment option, but you aren’t sure how effective it really is, here are some neurofeedback anxiety testimonials that can give you greater insight into how this therapy could potentially help you.

But before we dive into these testimonials, let’s ensure you have a clear understanding of neurofeedback and exactly how it can help alleviate your anxiety.

What is neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback is a type of research-backed biofeedback for your brain. This therapy leverages EEG technology to provide real-time feedback about your brain wave frequency. Brain waves range from slow-moving to fast-moving and people with anxiety often have too many fast-moving brain waves.

During a neurofeedback treatment session, you will be able to see your brain waves in real-time. And when they are within a normal range, you will receive a positive reward. When they fall outside of a normal range and start moving too fast, the reward will be taken away.

Through operant conditioning, you will learn to better self-regulate and to keep your brainwaves within a normal range. As you continue to train your brain with each neurofeedback session, you will begin to notice reduced feelings of anxiety. In some cases, neurofeedback participants are able to go off anxiety medication permanently!

Identify the problem, then correct it

Ongoing neuroscience research continues to find that imbalances in the brain are contributing to anxiety disorders. While medication is often helpful, it only treats the symptoms of anxiety. Neurofeedback corrects the source of the problem in the brain.

Here at Braincode Centers, we gather information on your brain function with a qEEG brain map. This allows us to identify areas that are excessively activated and contributing to a surplus of fast-moving brain waves. Once we have identified these areas, we target them for change through neurofeedback training. It is essentially specialized training for your brain.

Neurofeedback anxiety testimonials

Our clinicians at Braincode Centers have found that neurofeedback has been extremely helpful in helping people manage their anxiety disorders. Here are some testimonials from our past clients.

“For as long as I could remember anxiety was all I knew. My anxiety and depression were getting worse as time passed and I had tried EVERYTHING. Many, if not most days, I couldn’t even get out of bed. I tried cognitive therapy, numerous medications, homeopathic medicine, and vitamins and nothing was getting me out of the deep hole I was in at the time. I could not see the end of the tunnel. I did not want to be alive anymore. Finding out about neurofeedback was by chance, word of mouth. Little did I know my life was about to change in a major way. People close to me [say] I am a totally different person now. Yes, I still get anxious from time to time. The difference is I can control it and have power. I now have a will to live and also live a stable lifestyle. I finally saw the light at the end of the dark dark tunnel. [Neurofeedback] saved my life, and for that, I am forever grateful!”

“As someone who has dealt with anxiety my entire life, I am so thankful I finally found [neurofeedback]. The initial brain map provides validation for how you’ve been feeling and sets the groundwork for the training ahead of you. There have been times in my life where I felt so defeated that medication was the only thing that would work for me, but I have hope! Neurofeedback provides a natural, effective way to heal the problem at its source.”

We hope those neurofeedback anxiety testimonials offered some insight into the power of this therapy option.

Find neurofeedback near you

If you’re struggling to manage your anxiety, know that you are not alone and relief is possible. Contact our experienced clinicians at Braincode Centers today to talk about your neurofeedback options. We have offices in Denver, Dallas, and also offer remote neurofeedback for those located elsewhere.

What are you waiting for? Schedule your free consultation to get started.