In the healthcare industry, new therapies and treatments are constantly being developed and implemented across the U.S. Over the past decade, one unique treatment called biofeedback has gained widespread attention and it’s easy to see why. As a leading practitioner of biofeedback therapy near you in Denver, we understand all the ins and outs of this innovative technique.

Biofeedback therapy has a ton of unique benefits to offer you and it could be the missing piece to your health and wellness routines.

The Basics of Biofeedback

Biofeedback therapy is a form of “Thought Technology” that measures and monitors physical responses in the body and helps you gain better control of those responses. Through guided treatment with a trained clinician, patients can learn to recognize and modify their body’s reactions to stress or other environmental stimuli.

During a biofeedback session, electrical sensors are placed on your body to gather real-time information regarding your:

  • Breathing patterns
  • Heart rate and blood volume changes
  • Muscle contractions
  • Sweat gland activity
  • And more

Once the sensors are attached, you’ll receive a cue (e.g., beeping sound, flashing light, etc.) when certain psychological reactions occur. These notifications allow you to gain greater awareness of your bodily functions so you can start to take charge of these behaviors.

For instance, if you suffer from an anxiety disorder, biofeedback can help you identify anxiety triggers or symptoms as they occur. Through repeated exposure and practice, you can work to reduce those symptoms and develop techniques/strategies to reduce the impact of triggers.

What You Stand to Gain from Biofeedback in Denver

Virtually anyone can find value in biofeedback therapy. This unique treatment can be customized to your specific needs/goals and can be seamlessly integrated alongside existing therapies or treatment plans. If you’re still on the fence about trying biofeedback therapy near you, consider these points.

1. Gain Greater Awareness of Your Body

The human body is complex. Even when you think you have complete control over your actions, there are likely many behaviors that you aren’t aware of or can’t control. These may be subconscious or unconscious behaviors, and according to many mental health experts, over 90% of your behaviors are not conscious. Fortunately, biofeedback therapy can help with those physiological behaviors.

Through biofeedback, you can begin to recognize the subtle changes in your physiology that may signal negative emotions, trigger your symptoms, or impede your performance. When you can identify those physiological behaviors, you can start to modify these reactions and give yourself more power over your physical health and mental well-being.

2. Biofeedback Has Been Heavily Researched

Unlike other types of alternative treatments, the efficacy of biofeedback therapy has been thoroughly researched and studied for several decades. In fact, researchers have found that this treatment can be very effective at reducing symptoms for many medical conditions such as:

  • Chronic pain
  • Headaches
  • Motion sickness
  • Substance abuse
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Autism spectrum disorder
  • Insomnia
  • PTSD
  • Strokes
  • And more

An abundance of data has demonstrated the efficacy of this treatment and has showcased the potential for biofeedback therapy. No matter what your health goals are, you can likely find some value in this innovative mind-body technique.

3. It’s Drug-Free and Non-Invasive

These days, it can be challenging to find effective treatments that are holistic and/or natural. Prescription medications tend to be the primary treatment method for various mental and physical health issues. However, these drugs may come with unpleasant side effects and may not provide a reliable long-term strategy to help you find lasting relief.

Fortunately, biofeedback can help. This therapy is completely drug-free! In fact, biofeedback therapy may even reduce or eliminate the need for medications over time. Plus, it’s a non-invasive form of treatment, which means you have nothing to worry about when you book an appointment.

Get Started with Biofeedback Near You in Denver

Are you ready to try biofeedback and see what it can offer you? Look no further than Braincode Centers. Our skilled biofeedback training specialists will work closely with you to develop a custom treatment plan that aligns with your needs. We’ll continuously adjust your treatment strategy to ensure your goals are met.

Contact Braincode Centers today to schedule your consultation for biofeedback near you in Denver.