Whether you have a disorder or not, your mental health is paramount. Everyone needs to take steps to prioritize their mental well-being whenever possible. A good place to start is discovering your local options for mental health services in Highlands Ranch.

You don’t have to go very far to get quality mental health care services. To help you jumpstart your search for local support, here are a few of your best options for mental health treatment near you.

We should note that mental health care is a vast space with many different types of treatment settings and services available. It may be best to consult with your primary care provider before you start exploring mental health services in Highlands Ranch.


Also referred to as “talk therapy,” counseling services are one of the most effective and common mental health treatments. Talking through your issues and concerns with a trained mental health professional allows you the opportunity to work through and process your feelings in a healthy way.

Although counseling is often done one-on-one, there are many different types of talk therapy to explore. Just to name a few:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy – Work to replace negative thought and behavioral patterns with more helpful and accurate ones.
  • Psychodynamic therapy – Explore the connections between your unconscious mind and your actions.
  • Group therapy – Process your mental health issues in a supportive group environment of like-minded individuals.

These types of talk therapies can be extremely beneficial for your mental wellness.

There are many reliable local therapists that you can speak with throughout Highlands Ranch (GoodTherapy.org). And we actually offer counseling services at Braincode Centers as well.


Prescription medications are a popular treatment method for many mental health disorders.

Medications are widely available for anxiety disorders, bipolar disorders, depression, PTSD, and other mental illnesses. From anti-depressants to mood stabilizers and more, there are many types of psychotropic medications on the market (NAMI).

For many people, prescription meds can do the trick for their mental health concerns. However, it’s worth noting a few things about these medications:

  • Prescription drugs only alleviate the symptoms of your condition. They do not cure or treat mental health conditions.
  • Prescription meds often come with side effects, like nausea, mood swings, fatigue, and more.

Consult with your doctor to learn more about prescription meds for your mental health.

Community Support Groups

Whatever your condition may be, you can definitely find a support group for you in the metro area.

A support group is essentially a gathering of individuals facing common issues where they can share what’s troubling them and feel supported. It’s a safe space where you can share experiences, offer support/encouragement, and receive the same.

These support groups can provide you with practical, constructive, and helpful information to support your journey. And it’s a great space to make new friends who can understand you as well.

There are four basic types of support groups:

  • Mutual support groups
  • 12-step self-help programs
  • Therapy groups
  • Online support groups

Here’s a helpful guide to aid your search for the right support group near you.

Brain Stimulation/Training Therapies

It’s worthwhile to explore alternative therapies and treatments for mental health concerns. Neurofeedback, for instance, is an innovative brain training therapy that can effectively support your mental wellness.

Neurofeedback is a non-invasive, drug-free treatment that aims to retrain your brainwave activities. It’s an iterative rewards-based training program that teaches you how to self-regulate your thought patterns and brain activity.

Neurofeedback offers a wealth of benefits, including:

  • Improved cognitive function
  • Better emotional control
  • Decreased anxiety and depression symptoms
  • Enhanced memory and recall abilities
  • Improved sleeping habits
  • And more

Neurofeedback is an excellent brain stimulation therapy to integrate into any mental health care routine. And there’s no better place to turn than Braincode Centers.

Get Started with our Mental Health Services in Highlands Ranch

Whether you’re having a mental health crisis or suffering from major depression, we can help at Braincode Centers.

We will conduct a complete mental health assessment for you and develop a personalized treatment plan for you. We can integrate several therapies into your plan, including counseling, to ensure you’re getting the best treatment possible for your needs.

Contact us today to set up your neurofeedback consultation and learn more about our mental health services in Highlands Ranch.