Why You Need to Try Neurofeedback in Colorado

Neurofeedback is an advanced brain training therapy that monitors brain activity and provides feedback through sound and video images in real-time. Neurofeedback focuses on the central nervous system and aims to enhance neurological regulation. As a leading provider of neurofeedback in Colorado, we’re here to break down the reasons why you need to try this innovative therapy.

Neurofeedback therapy can be incredibly effective for a number of mental health disorders including:

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Depression
  • And more

This treatment can even benefit patients suffering from traumatic brain injury. If you suffer from any of these mental health disorders or just believe your brain could use a tune-up, consider trying neurofeedback.

Feel More Emotionally Stable

Mood swings can be particularly disruptive for people who are trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Stressful situations can occur at any time in a person’s life, especially in a professional setting. In these cases, getting emotional can lead to low performance and other consequences. It can be difficult to attempt to perform routine tasks when you’re experiencing negative thoughts and feelings.

Furthermore, uncontrolled emotions can cause us to have difficulties in our most important relationships, including family, friends, and coworkers. Sometimes it‘s the people closest to you who suffer when you struggle with emotional control.

Neurofeedback in Colorado has been shown to help people learn to regulate their brains in a healthier way so they gain better control of their emotions during difficult experiences. This therapy literally works to change the brain’s pattern of becoming stuck on negatively-charged thoughts (i.e., rumination), which helps with better mood regulation.

Improves Focus

Neurofeedback has been shown to be effective for treating various mental health conditions. That said, neurofeedback can be very beneficial for individuals with learning disabilities or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Neuro­feedback treatments can specifically target areas of the brain that will benefit focus, leading to improved learning and performance in school or work.

ADHD can be caused when there is an excessive amount of slow or fast brain wave activity. Neurofeedback treatment helps reduce symptoms by changing the ways the brain communicates and optimizing activities that occur in specific brain regions. It’s effective with or without prescription medication, which means neurofeedback in Colorado is a drug-free treatment.

Reduces Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety-related conditions are common mental disorders that affect people of all ages. Anxiety disorders can cause people to worry excessively, feel fearful, be easily stressed out, feel restless, or be easily irritated. Anxiety can be so severe that it affects a person’s abilities to manage their daily activities, relationships, and even sleep.

When it comes to depression, low moods are a normal part of the human experience. But when bouts of sadness or moodiness stick for days at a time and make it hard to get out of bed, it’s worthwhile to seek out treatments for depression. Usually, such episodes last for a short period of time and are manageable. However, not everyone recovers without some help.

Neurofeedback is a non-invasive procedure that can improve executive function and reduce the symptoms of depression and anxiety. Side effects are limited and neurofeedback can be a beneficial practice for patients who are treatment-resistant to anxiety and depression.

Are You Ready to Try Neurofeedback in Colorado?

Contact Braincode Centers today to schedule your session for neurofeedback in Colorado and take the first steps to enhance your well-being.