Do you ever wonder what exactly is going on in your brain? It’s responsible for quite a bit and we’re only conscious of a mere fraction of the total actions the nervous system executes every minute. From triggering your heart to beat and your lungs to breath to reacting to stimuli in your environment and coping with various experiences, your brain controls it all. Often, when you are struggling with symptoms of mental health disorders like anxiety or depression, your brain is not operating as efficiently as it should be. Sometimes specific neurological pathways are over- or under-performing, leading to undesirable symptoms. Brain mapping in Denver can help you identify these weaknesses and even direct a treatment plan that helps you address the imbalances. Let’s discuss more in depth what you can learn from the brain mapping process.

The Process Of Brain Mapping In Denver

Brain mapping is done through a procedure called Quantitative Electroencephalogram (qEEG). This process is entirely non-invasive, but does require patients to wear a cap through which brain activity can be measured. The snug-fitting cap will be placed over the head and a conductive agent will be used so that electrodes can track activity in specific pathways. Electrodes will also be placed on the earlobes to establish a baseline that your brain map can be compared to. Once the brain mapping is complete, a specialist will interpret the results and develop a customized treatment plan that’s designed specifically for your goals.

Some organizations that offer brain mapping in Denver will do ongoing qEEGs to establish progress and modify treatment requirements.

What Can You Learn From A Brain Map

The idea of brain mapping can seem frivolous to those who are unfamiliar with the benefits. Brain mapping is the cornerstone of a number of holistic treatments that can support mental health, recovery from traumatic brain injuries, and more. Neurofeedback is one of these treatments that brain mapping informs. By identifying specific neural pathways that are acting up or not acting at all, neurofeedback therapists can develop a targeted and personalized treatment plan.

Understand Where Anxiety And Depression Symptoms Stem From

Symptoms of mental health disorders like anxiety and depression present differently from one individual to another. In some cases, people may not even realize that their symptoms are part of something bigger, like a depression diagnosis. At Braincode Centers, we use brain mapping in Denver to determine what brain activity is associated with the unwanted symptoms of anxiety and depression so they can be effectively treated at the source without medication.

Learn Why You Can’t Sleep

Stress is one of many factors that plays into lack of sleep and disorders like insomnia. Brain mapping can help specialists identify the neurological reasons behind sleep disorders and resolve the issues to get you back to feeling your best. In this case, brain mapping in Denver can solve a whole host of problems just by treating the biological reasons you can’t get restful sleep.

Start Performing Better On And Off The Court

We sometimes think performance enhancement is restricted to athletes, however we can all benefit from a concentrated effort to boost performance. Whether you’re on the football field or in the boardroom, increased focus and faster cognitive processing can be extremely valuable. Brain mapping at Braincode Centers helps Denver-based clients identify the neural pathways that are holding them back from operating at their best.

Get The Best Brain Mapping In Denver At Braincode Centers

Braincode Centers is proud to offer top-of-the-line brain mapping in Denver. Our clinicians are trained in qEEG analysis, neurofeedback, traditional counseling, and more, which ensures that you get a well-rounded interpretation of your needs. Our team’s diverse expertise also ensures that you can benefit from comprehensive treatment following your brain map.

If you’re struggling with symptoms of anxiety, depression, concussion recovery, insomnia, or any number of other issues, a qEEG brain map could be a great place to start. Schedule an appointment for brain mapping in Denver today.