Understanding Brain Mapping Therapy and Its Purpose

In most cases, people don’t know what to expect when it comes to brain mapping therapy in Denver. For many, the term “brain mapping” sounds so foreign that they don’t even consider it a possibility for mental health treatment. But many are often shocked to find out just how beneficial this health option can be and what you can learn from it.

Brain mapping is a process used to identify problem areas of the brain that are responsible for certain issues with cognitive functions. It’s a non-invasive process that helps identify key areas of dysfunction that may be contributing to your mental health issues or symptoms.

Brain mapping therapy is directly tied to neurofeedback, a form of therapy that uses technology to help people train their brains to perform better. To get started on this brain training program, participants first need to complete an electroencephalography (qEEG) brain map. That brain map provides information about how the brain works and will inform the direction of your neurofeedback treatment.

How Does Brain Mapping Therapy Help People?

It’s often easy to identify or detect one disorder, but it’s difficult to identify multiple disorders or mental health issues at once. That’s because the symptoms of one disorder might mask or cover up the signs of another. Fortunately, EEG brain mapping technology can help to identify co-occurring disorders and mental health issues, and it can help pinpoint areas of concern in your brainwave activity.

Brain mapping therapy allows us to determine which training method works best for each individual. With this understanding, people can figure out which treatments or programs will lead them to their desired outcomes (e.g., increasing concentration, enhancing short-term memory, reaching peak performance, etc.).

At Braincode Centers, we believe in using science, rather than guesswork, to detect the root cause of your mental health imbalance. That way, we can provide you with practical suggestions to help reclaim your health and life.

How Does Brain Mapping Work?

Brain mapping helps us understand how our brains work. We use it to create a detailed overview of your brain health and activity, and it can be used to help diagnose conditions like autism, depression, addiction, ADHD, and many others. Brain mapping involves taking pictures of different parts of the brain while you are in different states of mind. This lets our clinicians see what happens inside your head when you’re working through mental challenges like math problems, reading words, or remembering a face.

The resulting brain map is then reviewed to find patterns associated with certain mental disorders. For example, some patients with schizophrenia process information in differently in their brains and these changes may be visible in brain imaging scans.

Once we identify the areas of the brain that are causing trouble, we can begin treating the underlying causes. This is called “targeted treatment.” In one study, researchers used brain mapping to help children with ADHD learn to control their behavior. They found that targeted treatments helped reduce symptoms, such as hyperactivity and impulsivity, in 80% of participants.

Ready to Try Brain Mapping Therapy in Denver?

The human brain is complicated. And sometimes, it takes a long time to figure out why something went wrong. So don’t give up hope just because you’re having trouble figuring out a problem. Brain mapping therapy can help you find the answer and guide the development of your personalized treatment program.

Contact Braincode Centers today to learn more about brain mapping treatments and therapies.