Everything you think, feel, and do is a result of your brain. And if injury, imbalance, or trauma occurs, you may find yourself experiencing a number of undesirable symptoms or conditions. However, you don’t have to live with those symptoms forever. qEEG brain mapping is a powerful tool in treating brain-based conditions, disorders, and injuries. If you’re looking to rebalance your brain and control your symptoms, qEEG brain mapping in Denver could be the right solution for you.

What is qEEG brain mapping?

qEEG brain mapping is a procedure that measures the electrical activity in your brain. In doing so, clinicians can see how different parts of your brain are functioning, both independently and in conjunction with one another. qEEG brain maps are also used to identify areas of imbalance or injury. These findings help guide a personalized neurofeedback treatment plan to address your needs.

What is neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback, also known as EEG biofeedback, is a therapeutic treatment for the brain that measures brainwave activity and teaches it to function more optimally. Neurofeedback uses a reward-based system to give patients real-time feedback about the state of their brain.

When your brainwaves are within normal ranges, a movie, song, or video game plays on a screen. When your brainwaves are outside of normal ranges—and the brain is functioning in an undesired state—the movie, song, or video stops playing.

Over time, the brain learns how to function more optimally, improving mental performance, and alleviating symptoms associated with brain imbalances. Neurofeedback can offer terrific support for a number of mental health conditions, including:

  • ADHD and other focus-related disorders
  • Anxiety
  • Autism spectrum disorder
  • Concussions or traumatic brain injuries
  • Depression
  • Memory loss
  • Migraines
  • Insomnia and other sleep-related disorders
  • Trauma

Additionally, some people choose to complete qEEG brain maps to simply improve their mental performance and give them an edge up.

The benefits of a qEEG brain map

Completing a qEEG brain map is the first step in retraining your brain. Here are some of the top benefits of mapping your brain:

  • Identify which frequencies of the brain are out of balance or underperforming
  • Pinpoint areas of the brain that could be impacting mood, sleep, stress, behavior, attention, mental health disorders, and overall emotional well-being
  • Help guide an individualized neurofeedback treatment plan so you can treat symptoms at the source
  • Provide further information on which types of medication may work and may not work
  • Help inform why previous treatment options have not worked

How does qEEG brain mapping work?

During a qEEG brain map procedure, a patient will wear a cap that fits snuggly to their head. The cap will use electro gel, which serves as a conductive agent, and nineteen electrodes will be placed on specific areas of your head. Two will also be placed along the earlobes where there is no electrical activity. Those readings will serve as the baseline for clinicians to measure brainwave activity.

Keep in mind no electrical stimulation occurs during this therapy. Brain mapping is simply a passive way to measure what’s already occurring in the brain. From here, a qEEG expert will analyze the data and use it to create a personalized treatment plan to address the symptoms you’re experiencing.

Learn more about qEEG brain mapping in Denver

If you’re ready to start retraining your brain, reach out to us at Braincode Centers to learn more about our qEEG brain mapping in Denver.

Even if you aren’t located in the Denver area, we can provide remote neurofeedback options so you can train your brain from anywhere, anytime.

Contact us today to learn more.