As we age, some cognitive decline is inevitable. But if you’re beginning to notice brain fog or forgetfulness earlier than expected, it could be the beginning signs of memory loss. The good news is, you don’t have to be stuck in the fog forever. Neurofeedback for memory loss can be an effective treatment option to decrease your chances of getting dementia or Alzheimer’s.

What is neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback is a state-of-the-art, drug-free, non-invasive brain training treatment. Sometimes called EEG biofeedback, neurofeedback relies on a positive reward system that shifts the way the brain produces and distributes electric energy.

During a neurofeedback treatment session, a machine will measure the electrical pulses in your brain. These brainwaves fall into four different frequency divisions: Delta, Theta, Alpha, and Beta. By measuring these frequencies in real-time, we can see which parts of your brain are active and which are underactive. Identifying the areas that are underperforming can help yield powerful changes in your brain function.

How the brain affects memory

Memory loss is not simple or one dimensional by any means. There are many complex factors that can contribute to cognitive declines, such as genetics and prior injuries. One more influential factor is an imbalance in your brainwaves.

When there is an imbalance in the brain, brainwaves cannot correctly communicate with neurotransmitters. This lapse in communication can lead to an acceleration of the signs and symptoms associated with memory loss.

Signs you or a loved one may be experiencing memory loss

Memory loss is not always obvious at first, especially to the person who is experiencing it. From time-to-time, it’s normal for all of us to forget our car keys or walk into a room only to forget why we went there in the first place. However, there are signs that, if present, could signify the onset of more long-term memory loss, such as:

  • A feeling of brain fog
  • Difficulty remembering to do things like pay bills or return calls
  • Inability to clearly express thoughts
  • You worry that in social situations you may forget important details, like someone’s name or something you were told
  • You suspect a decline in your ability to retain information

If you or a loved one is experiencing these symptoms, it’s best to seek treatment as soon as possible.

How neurofeedback can counteract memory loss

It’s easy to assume that our learning ability, intelligence, and memory are set in stone—that there is a cap to how much information we can learn and retain. However, those assumptions couldn’t be further from the truth.

Your brain has the unique ability to reorganize itself and form new neural pathways and connections. This ability is commonly referred to as the neuroplasticity of your brain. Neurofeedback helps you remove imbalances to find those new pathways and improve brainwave regulation, thus counteracting your memory loss.

Even if you or a loved one has already been diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer’s, neurofeedback for memory loss can help slow its progression. Here at Braincode Centers, we’ve worked with a number of families to help their loved ones improve their memory and overall quality of life.

Find neurofeedback for memory loss in Denver or Dallas

Whether you’re a young professional who is noticing signs of memory loss due to stress, or someone who is concerned with the cognitive decline in a loved one, Braincode Centers is here to help. We will identify the areas of the brain that are underperforming and guide you through a personalized treatment plan that counteracts your memory loss.

Schedule your free consultation today to get started on improving your memory.