At least 1 in 7 adults globally suffer from mental health disorders. This is more common than any of us think, yet it doesn’t make the challenge any easier to deal with. Any mental health condition can make a sufferer feel afraid, helpless, and alone. At Braincode Centers, we understand the challenges that people face when it comes to mental health, and our Highlands Ranch mental health care facility has the optimal drug-free solutions to address all mental health concerns.

Your Psychiatric Care Options

Successful mental health treatment requires a holistic and personalized approach. This means that treatment needs to be tailored to the patient. Some people may revert to inpatient treatment facilities such as hospitalization for their disorder, which may not always be the best option. Not only may it not be necessary, but it can be even more disruptive to your daily living.

Any mental health disorder diagnosis should be made by your doctor or psychiatrist. They can then help create your treatment plan, or you can seek out treatment elsewhere. At our mental health care facility in Highlands Ranch, we conduct thorough assessments and build personalized brain maps to help determine the best brain training treatment plan for you.

Take back the control

If you are looking for an alternative to traditional drug treatments, then look no further than Braincode Centers. Our facility offers innovative, non-invasive, and drug-free treatments that provide long-lasting benefits. Our therapies are delivered by world-class brain specialists that deal with the electrical imbalances in your brain.

Our Highlands Ranch mental health care facility uses the following drug-free treatments:

The benefits of drug-free treatments

Understanding where the problem begins and what are its triggers are crucial elements of knowing how to map a treatment plan that is personalized, and more specifically, actually works.

Most people are not aware that most mental health disorders, in general, are linked to an electrical imbalance in the brain rather than a chemical imbalance. As a result, traditional medication is often sought out as a first solution to correct that perceived chemical imbalance. Many fail to find relief from their symptoms because these imbalances do not occur in the chemical part of the nervous system.

That’s where neurofeedback comes into play. Neurofeedback is a drug-free treatment that:

  • Produces no side-effects
  • Is non-invasive
  • And alleviates symptoms at the source

How does neurofeedback work?

The thought of alternative therapy can be daunting, but understanding how mental health disorders are characterized can help. Because these disorders are triggered mainly in the nervous system, specific brainwave patterns are typically identified in specific mental health disorders.

Finding a treatment plan may be as straightforward as knowing which brainwave frequencies need to be minimized or increased. And our Highlands Ranch mental health care facility has all the resources to identify what will work best for you.

Visit a Top Mental Health Care Facility in Highlands Ranch

Our team of experts uses cutting-edge techniques, like neurofeedback, to harness the brains’ neuroplasticity, thereby teaching it to respond favorably to specific stimuli. Treatment begins with a noninvasive qEEG brain mapping session and an effective, custom treatment plan is drawn up based on the findings of that brain map. Neurofeedback is effective in treating a wide range of disorders including ADHD, anxiety, depression, concussions, and insomnia, and it works efficiently to improve overall cognitive ability as well.

Contact our mental health care facility in Highlands Ranch to book your initial consultation today.