Approximately 1 in 54 children have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), according to a CDC report. Boys are four times more likely to be diagnosed with ASD than girls. Children and adults with this disorder tend to suffer from difficulties surrounding social interaction, communication, repetitive behaviors, and mood disorders such as anxiety and/or hyperactivity. Scientists cannot definitively say what causes the development of autism, but they do know that people with this disorder have structural differences in their brains that contribute to their symptoms. If you’re searching for natural autism treatment in DTC, neurofeedback therapy is a fantastic treatment option to consider.

What is neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback is a type of all-natural, non-invasive brain training that corrects irregular brainwave patterns. Through operant conditioning, an individual can learn how to stabilize and improve their brainwave function through new neural pathways.

How do the brains of people with autism differ from neurotypical brains?

Neurological research is advancing our knowledge of the brain every day. Although the cause of abnormal brainwaves isn’t one-dimensional, studies indicate that people with autism have excessive connectivity in some areas of the brain and decreased connectivity in others, compared to a neurotypical brain.

The exact cause of these connectivity issues is unknown. Some scientists think that autistic brains are less connected from front to back. Other researchers believe there is too much symmetry in autistic brains, which may explain why someone with autism is more likely to fixate on fine details rather than understand the bigger picture.

Other research has found that there may be too many neurons present in an autistic brain, impairing the brain’s process of pruning neurons.

No matter the theory for why autism develops, one thing is certain; this neurological disorder involves the production of irregular brainwaves.

How neurofeedback helps manage ASD-associated symptoms

Neurofeedback helps people harness the neuroplasticity of their brains to create new neural pathways, which, in turn, helps the brain produce more regular and balanced brainwaves. Neurofeedback can help:

  • Stabilize mood, resulting in fewer outbursts
  • Improve sleep quality
  • Decrease hyperactivity
  • Reduce anxiety
  • Improve attention span and ability to focus
  • Encourage social communication improvements

Studies supporting neurofeedback therapy for ASD

Neurofeedback is not some new medical intervention that lacks high-quality research. EEG technology, the test that detects abnormalities in brainwaves, was first used in 1929 by German psychiatrist Hans Berger. Since then, hundreds of studies have shown neurofeedback’s effectiveness in helping to manage ASD.

Neurofeedback is not some new medical intervention that lacks high-quality research. EEG technology, the test that detects abnormalities in brainwaves, was first used in 1929 by German psychiatrist Hans Berger. Since then, hundreds of studies have shown neurofeedback’s effectiveness in helping to manage ASD. Here are a few supporting studies:

Learn more about natural autism treatment in DTC

If you’re interested in learning more about natural autism treatment in DTC, reach out to us today at Braincode Centers. We’ll perform a qEEG brain mapping procedure to identify areas of the brain that are producing irregular brainwaves and create a personalized training program to alleviate symptoms.

Contact us today to learn more.