How You Can Get Started with Neurofeedback Therapy at Home

It can be challenging to find the time to visit a neurofeedback clinic in between all of your daily responsibilities and obligations. Fortunately, there is a solution that allows you to work through this treatment on your own time. It’s tough to beat the unmatched convenience of getting neurofeedback therapy at home on your own schedule.

But how exactly does the “at-home” treatment work? How does it compare to in-clinic training? And what do you need to know before starting your remote therapy? As leading practitioners of neurofeedback therapy in Denver, we’re here to offer some insights.

Defining Neurofeedback

Remote neurofeedback operates on the same principles and technology as in-clinic neurofeedback therapy. This treatment is a non-invasive and drug-free therapy that measures brain activity in real-time and provides opportunities for patients to improve their cognitive behaviors.

It utilizes EEG technology to analyze the electrical activity of your brain and identify specific areas that may be unbalanced or under/overactive. Neurofeedback uses a positive reward system to re-train your brain to respond more appropriately to various stimuli. Over time, patients often report significant reductions in symptoms related to their mental health conditions and improved well-being.

How Does Remote Neurofeedback Work?

As mentioned earlier, remote neurofeedback follows the same basic process you would experience during in-clinic treatments. The therapy relies on operant conditioning and, as you participate and achieve ideal levels for your brain activity, you’ll be rewarded with visual stimuli and auditory feedback. Over time, this real-time feedback will help you embrace healthier cognitive behaviors and patterns.

Receiving neurofeedback therapy at home is simpler than you may think. You’ll first need to connect with a licensed and certified neurofeedback provider who can guide your treatment. They’ll help you get all the necessary equipment for the remote treatment and help you understand exactly how it all works.

Our highly trained neurofeedback coaches at Braincode Centers can act as your personal advisors. We will work with you to develop an appropriate and personalized training program to help you achieve your health and wellness goals. Once your plan is in place, we’ll send you the appropriate neurofeedback devices/equipment and then walk you through that equipment and how the process will work.

Your brain coach will then regularly check in with you each month to assess your progress and make adjustments to your treatment plan. This way, you can get our expert insight from the convenience and comfort of your home.

Does Remote Neurofeedback Actually Get Results?

While remote therapies are not for everyone, evidence suggests that at-home treatment can lead to great health benefits. In fact, one study found that therapist-guided remote neurofeedback training can significantly help improve mental health and cognitive performance. And in that study, individuals with ADHD found great improvement in symptom reduction and cognitive improvements.

As long as a brain training clinician is guiding the overall strategy of your therapy, you can gain many mental health benefits from remote training.

Facilitate Your Own Neurofeedback Therapy

Thanks to advances in neurofeedback equipment, you can conduct your own therapy on your own schedule from home or anywhere else. To ensure you get the best results from your remote therapy, make sure you follow these tips:

  • Find a quiet and calm environment that is free from distractions. For instance, if you want to do neurofeedback therapy in your bedroom, close the door and turn off all electronics.
  • Take a few minutes to get yourself set and ready for the training. You may want to meditate or practice a deep breathing exercise to get your mind ready.
  • Adjust your headset and sensors so it is snugly wrapped around your head and there’s no hair in between your skin and the sensors.
  • Remember that self-improvement takes time. You’ll eventually get used to the remote training, but it may take a few sessions to get there.

Remote neurofeedback therapy can greatly benefit many people, but it is not always the perfect solution for everyone. Many individuals will respond much better to in-clinic neurofeedback training plans that are directly administered by experienced clinicians. If you have never tried neurofeedback at a clinic, we would recommend that you explore in-person training first before diving into remote therapy.

Get Started with Neurofeedback Therapy at Home Today

Make the right choice for your mental health with Braincode Centers! We will build a personalized neurofeedback treatment plan that you can complete on your own time at your convenience. With our ongoing support, you can find the symptom relief that you need and improve your brain health from your own home.

Contact Braincode Centers today to get started with neurofeedback therapy at home or in one of our many clinics.