Going to appointments isn’t always easy. You often have to take some time off from work, rearrange your schedule, or add on to an already long day. And let’s not forget about all the time it takes to drive to and from your appointments. If you’ve been struggling with your mental health or overall mental performance and you’ve considered neurofeedback treatment but can’t commit to the regular appointments, consider home neurofeedback instead.

And with social distancing still in place for the foreseeable future, remote neurofeedback can be a great treatment option to consider.

How does remote neurofeedback work?

Believe it or not, remote neurofeedback isn’t all that different than the treatment you would receive at a clinic or in the office. Just as with on-site treatment, remote neurofeedback begins with the completion of a qEEG brain map. This can be done either in-office or remotely—whichever you prefer.

qEEG brain maps help identify which areas of the brain are out of balance and give detailed insight into the state of your mental health and performance. The information gathered in the map will be used to guide your personalized neurofeedback training program.

From there, you’ll rent equipment that attaches to your head and allows you to access a highly trained brain coach that will help guide your training. And just like in-person neurofeedback, remote neurofeedback relies on visual or auditory rewards to signify when you reach ideal brainwave patterns.

Facilitating your own home neurofeedback training

Your remote neurofeedback will look different depending on what type of remote training solution you’re working with. Here at Braincode Centers, we partner with Neuropeak Pro, a cutting-edge provider of remote neurofeedback.

During a training session, you’ll simply adjust the provided headset so that it fits snugly around your head. You’ll ensure there isn’t any hair between your skin and the headset sensors.

From there, you’ll want to find a calm and quiet place in your home that is free from distractions. Ideally, you’ll want to go to a bedroom or home office where you can close the doors and shut off any electronic devices that could distract you. To begin, you’ll want to take a few deep breaths to relax as much as possible. This will help get you in the right headspace for your remote neurofeedback training.

A specialized brain coach from our partners at Neuropeak will work with you as your personal neurofeedback provider. Throughout your training sessions, they will guide you through your personalized program so that you can achieve optimal brain health.

Throughout these sessions, your remote neurofeedback training device will measure your brainwaves—just like in an in-office training session. This helps you become aware of undesirable brainwave activity, which in turn allows you to gain better control of your reactions to specific stimuli. In doing so, your brain creates new neural pathways that will help your brain function more optimally.

Learn more about remote neurofeedback options

If you’re interested in learning more about home neurofeedback training, reach out to us at Braincode Centers. We’re here to help you retrain your brain so you can live your happiest, healthiest life.

Schedule a free consultation so you can start improving your mental wellbeing no matter where you are.