Elevating Yourself Through a Mood Treatment in Dallas

Imagine a life where you feel happy in one moment and depressed in the next, where it is hard to control your mood, and it’s constantly changing. Mood disorders can greatly affect your work and personal relationships. If you’re searching for a natural, non-invasive mood treatment in Dallas, we can help you out.

What are Mood Disorders?

A mood disorder is an illness that causes your emotions to be out of sync with your circumstances and interferes with your ability to function normally. A mood disorder may cause you to feel extremely sad, empty, irritable, or even depressive at times. Individuals with mood disorders can additionally experience manic episodes alternating with depressive ones.

Anxiety disorders can also impact your mood and often occur alongside mood or personality disorders, including depression. Simply put: mood disorders may make living daily life difficult.

Some examples of mood disorders include:

  • Major depressive disorder — This condition is characterized by prolonged and persistent periods of extreme sadness.
  • Dysthymia — This is a chronic, low-grade, depressive irritable mood that lasts for at least two years.
  • Bipolar disorder — Also called manic depression or bipolar affective disorder, individuals with this condition alternate between times of depression and mania.

It’s important to note that other medical illnesses such as cancer, injuries, infections, or chronic illness can aggravate mood disorders.

Neurofeedback for Mood Disorders

You’ve tried therapy and have taken medication that was prescribed for your condition. However, you might wish there were something else you could do. That’s where neurofeedback comes into play.

Neurofeedback is an alternative therapy that uses brain wave monitors to help people learn to regulate their brainwaves. That’s one reason why so many people call it “brain training.”

Neurofeedback treatment can be another useful tool for your mood treatment in Dallas as it has been shown to be effective at combating symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders. Neurofeedback treatment methods teach patients how to gain mastery over their physiology. It holds the potential to empower you to take back control that was lost with the onset of anxiety, depression, or other mood disorders.

Neurofeedback therapy involves using special technology to help you learn how to control your brain waves. The tool is an EEG (electroencephalogram) and it reads your brainwaves in real-time through electrodes placed on your head. The medical-grade EEG monitors your brainwaves, which your clinician studies, and then interprets the results. Through iterative sessions and training, you can work to alleviate your mood disorder symptoms naturally so you can enjoy a better quality of life.

Your clinician can also recommend specific coping skills or methods to address mood disorders. And, if something doesn’t work, you and your clinician can move on to other treatment methods or techniques. Through neurofeedback, you can develop a customized toolbox of coping skills for managing your mood disorder symptoms.

Are You Ready to Stabilize Your Mood with an Effective Mood Treatment in Dallas?

We’re proud to be a leading brain treatment center for patients in Dallas. We’ll go the extra mile for our patients whenever possible. After completing your qEEG brain mapping session, we’ll create a custom brain training program to address any mood-related issues you may be experiencing. We can even integrate neurofeedback into any existing treatment strategies you may currently practice.

Contact us today for your neurofeedback consultation.