Effective anxiety therapy can be hard to find, and anxiety itself is harder to treat. You basically have a few options for treatment: you can go the pharmaceutical route, find an anxiety therapist in Dallas, TX, or search for alternatives. Neurofeedback is a drug-free and non-invasive therapy option that allows you to treat anxiety naturally by re-training your brain.

How Does Anxiety Affect You?

Anxiety can take many forms in your daily life. Perhaps you’re trying to focus on one task, but you get so overwhelmed by anxiety that you can’t remember what you were doing. Even if you can control your anxiety, it may feel like your anxiety comes out of nowhere and you don’t know how to make it stop coming. You really want to live an engaged life , but fear is taking you out of the present and into the past. Or maybe your worries are tormenting you.. This is where finding an anxiety therapist in Dallas, TX comes in.

If you’re feeling anxious, it might feel as though you’re stuck in overdrive and may experience:

  • Racing thoughts
  • Muscle tensions
  • Heart palpitations
  • And more

These symptoms can occur when the stressors are small, or even when they are no longer present. You may have been disappointed when trying to meditate, practice yoga, or go to anxiety therapy sessions, and found that they weren’t able to help you completely. If you’re feeling anxious on a regular basis, it can be exhausting and make it difficult for you to feel in control.

You can likely get results through traditional anxiety therapy options, but neurofeedback therapy could be an even better solution for you.

What Happens During a Neurofeedback Session

During a neurofeedback therapy session, the clinician uses an electroencephalogram (EEG) to observe brainwave activity in real-time. Brainwaves are regarded as a biological marker for understanding what may be the underlying causes of anxiety and other brain conditions. These brainwaves vary in frequency and speed and are associated with different types of activity, including problem-solving, and sleep. For instance, many people with anxiety have increased levels of fast beta waves in their brains, which can lead to feelings of fear, anxiety, and panic.

Neurofeedback can be used to reduce beta waves while promoting the alpha waves, which are associated with relaxation. When a patient’s brainwave activity moves towards a healthier state, the patient may be rewarded with a pleasant video or uplift­ing music. This iterative training relies on the principle of operant conditioning. Our brains, just like animals, are constantly seeking rewards. The rewards of this training will reinforce the correct brainwave patterns for your needs.

After each session, the patient and their practitioner review the recordings. The goal is for patients to experience a reduction in symptoms over a gradual course of treatment. By helping the brain “learn” to connect specific brain waves with positive outcomes, we help it learn to regulate itself, improve overall functioning, and support healthy mental processes.

When seeking an anxiety therapist in Dallas, TX, it’s important to look for other forms of natural treatments to help your brain heal itself.

Are you Ready to Take Control of Your Mental Health?

If you’re interested in learning more about neurofeedback for anxiety, reach out to us at Braincode Centers. We will create a custom brain training program to help address your anxiety symptoms and help you live the best life possible.

We also offer traditional counseling services in addition to our brain training programs. Our clinicians will integrate your neurofeedback treatment plan into whatever mental health treatments you are currently undergoing.