With neurofeedback becoming more and more accessible, it’s safe to say there’s no shortage of Denver neurofeedback practitioners. But that doesn’t mean you should automatically go with the first option for neurofeedback you come across in your Google search. Finding the right practitioner for you can take some time. There are four things you’ll want to consider as you conduct your search. So be sure to keep these considerations in mind before making your decision.

1. What disorders and conditions do they specialize in treating?

If you’re interested in neurofeedback, you may be struggling with a specific disorder such as anxiety, ADHD, depression, insomnia, or another mood-related disorder. Or perhaps you are recovering from a concussion, a TBI, or are experiencing chronic migraines.

It’s important to consider what it is you’re hoping to treat as you conduct your search for a neurofeedback practitioner near you. Some neurofeedback clinicians will specialize in one area, while others are well-versed in treating a wide range of symptoms and conditions. Be sure to read staff bios as you visit various websites to get a sense of whether or not a given practitioner has experience working with patients who share similar struggles to you.

2. What does the treatment process look like?

A neurofeedback treatment typically follows a 4-step process: 1) a consultation, 2) an initial evaluation (or a qEEG brain map), 3) a personalized training program, and 4) future tune-ups.

During the consultation phase, you will meet with a potential practitioner and describe the symptoms you’re experiencing. During this conversation, it’s important to ensure the practitioner makes you feel heard and valued.

If neurofeedback is considered a good treatment option for you to try, you will move on to an initial evaluation, where you will complete a qEEG brain map. This mapping process will help identify the areas of your brain that are out of balance or underperforming.

The qEEG brain map will then be used to guide your personalized training program. As you complete training sessions, your plan should be adjusted as needed.

Finally, your neurofeedback treatment should also include a plan for ongoing tune-ups, after you have completed your regularly-scheduled treatment sessions. This will help ensure long-lasting relief for you.

3. Do they offer supplemental treatment options?

As beneficial as neurofeedback can be, sometimes finding relief takes more than just retraining your brain. That’s why it’s important to consider neurofeedback clinics that offer additional treatment options. For instance, here at Braincode Centers, we also offer talk therapy, biofeedback, near-infrared light therapy, and many other drug-free supplemental treatment options.

4. What kind of continuing education courses have they completed?

The brain is complex and learning about it is an ongoing, life-long process. As you conduct your search for a Denver neurofeedback practitioner, check to see if they have completed recent continuing education courses.

At Braincode Centers, continuing education is something we prioritize for all of our neurofeedback specialists. You can rest assured knowing our practitioners always know the latest in neurofeedback news, techniques, and research.

Start reaching out to Denver neurofeedback practitioners today

If you’re ready to start vetting Denver neurofeedback practitioners, reach out to us at Braincode Centers today. We offer free consultations so you can ask any and all questions you may have about neurofeedback and our approach to treatment.

Contact us today to learn more and get started on your path to a happier and healthier lifestyle.