Neurofeedback is a promising treatment option for everything from mental health disorders and neurological conditions to concussions and TBIs. If you’re sick of being prescribed medication that does more harm than good or seeing doctor after doctor with no relief, this all-natural brain training therapy could be just what you need to effectively treat your condition and find long-lasting relief. If you’re interested in finding neurofeedback therapists in DTC, you’ve come to the right place.

What is neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback, a type of biofeedback training, uses movies, video games, or songs to help people learn how to regulate their brainwaves. During a treatment session, you will sit in a chair and electrodes will be placed on your scalp. These sensors will send data to a computer about your brainwave activity.

If an abnormal number of slow- or fast-moving brainwaves are detected or if your brainwaves move erratically and rapidly change from fast to slow, the movie, video game, or song will stop.

With enough repetition, this real-time, stop-and-start feedback helps individuals produce more normal brainwaves and retrain an otherwise involuntary body process through operant conditioning.

Neurofeedback can be effective on its own or in conjunction with medication and/or talk therapy, depending on the condition you are suffering from.

What role do neurofeedback therapists play in treatment?

Throughout neurofeedback treatment, you will work very closely with a neurofeedback specialist. Treatment will begin with a consultation, where you will talk through all the symptoms you’re experiencing and any treatments you’ve tried in the past. Next, you’ll complete a qEEG brain map. This is a way to collect data on your brain and will serve as a baseline for treatment. The findings that are discovered in your brain map will help your neurofeedback therapist create your customized treatment plan.

Once you’ve completed your qEEG brain map and your personalized plan is developed, your treatment will begin. Your clinician will be present at each treatment session and adjust your training plan as needed based on your progress. After you’ve completed treatment, you’ll schedule quarterly boosts with your specialist to ensure you’re being proactive about your brain health and finding long-lasting relief.

Who can benefit from neurofeedback?

Just about anyone can benefit from training their brain to function more optimally! Even if you don’t have a mental health disorder or brain-based condition, neurofeedback can still help you improve your ability to focus, sleep, and perform daily tasks. In fact, many professional athletes, business executives, and even scientists at NASA use neurofeedback to improve their overall performance.

That being said, neurofeedback is most often used to treat conditions such as anxiety, ASD, ADHD, concussions, TBIs, attachment disorder, depression, insomnia, and memory loss.

Reach out to neurofeedback therapists in DTC today

If you’re interested in setting up a consultation with a neurofeedback specialist, reach out to us today at Braincode Centers. All of our clinicians are highly-trained in qEEG brain mapping, creating customized neurofeedback treatment plans, and offering supplemental treatment options to help you live your happiest, healthiest life.

The best part? There are virtually no negative side effects associated with neurofeedback treatment!

Contact us today to talk to our neurofeedback therapists in DTC and schedule your initial consultation.