One of the most difficult aspects of aging is memory loss and a decline in overall cognitive function. Imagine a technology-based treatment that could help you strengthen your memory over time without any negative side effects. This is precisely what neurofeedback is designed to do. If you’re interested in neurofeedback for memory improvement, you’ve come to the right place.

What is neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback is a type of brain-based training that involves EEG technology to provide real-time feedback about the state of your brain. It’s an entirely natural, non-invasive therapy that helps you learn how to better self-regulate your brainwaves.

The link between brainwaves and memory

Theta brainwaves are known to be linked to both short-term memory and working memory. The problem is that these brainwave patterns often become less efficient with age.

To treat this problem, physicians will use a variety of medications that are primarily targeted to treat Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Medication isn’t the only option to improve memory though. Neurofeedback is a research-backed therapy that can help regulate brainwaves to improve your memory and help your brain function more optimally.

How does neurofeedback work?

Neurofeedback for memory improvement might sound complex at first, but it’s actually quite simple. First, we begin by assessing your brain’s efficiency with a qEEG brain map. This will monitor and evaluate the electrical flow in each lobe of your brain. This can help pinpoint the root cause of your memory problems and help guide your personalized training program.

Then, we “retrain” your brain to function more efficiently. Following the data gathered from your brain mapping procedure, you will begin your training program to address any underlying imbalances. The training sessions are relaxing and non-invasive; no electrical stimulation is used.

We will use sensors to measure your brainwaves during the training session, and the equipment will provide auditory and visual feedback based on your results. With enough training, neurofeedback produces new neural connections in your brain in the same way that physical exercise generates new muscle tissue. These new, healthier routes lead to improved mental clarity and performance.

Find out if DTC neurofeedback for memory improvement could benefit you

If you’re ready to learn more about neurofeedback training for memory improvement, reach out to us today at Braincode Centers. Neurofeedback can be used to improve memory for children, adults, and especially for seniors.

Here at Braincode Centers, we want each and every one of our clients to live their happiest, healthiest life. As such, we are proud to offer free, no-obligation consultations to see if this therapy is right for you.

During your consultation, you can describe the severity of your memory loss and any other associated symptoms you’re experiencing. Our clinicians will take the time to truly listen and understand how memory loss is impacting your life. If neurofeedback is a good option, you will then complete a qEEG brain map, and, from there, your personalized neurofeedback training will begin.

Discover how simple it is to take control of your memory issues and schedule a free DTC neurofeedback consultation today.