Normally, neurofeedback therapy is done at a clinic, medical office, or hospital. And while there are certain advantages to training your brain in person, it’s not accessible to everyone. Visiting your healthcare provider in-office often requires a lengthy commute, taking time off work, and more time away from friends and family. But thanks to advancements in technology, equipment, and internet capabilities, remote neurofeedback is now possible. If you’re interested in neurofeedback therapy at home, you’ve come to the right place.

What is neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback is an emerging treatment for a wide range of mental health conditions and neurological disorders. It uses EEG biofeedback to help patients learn how to control their brainwaves so they can better regulate attention, emotion, and focus.

Neurofeedback therapy has been shown to be effective with children as well as adults. Most often, it’s used to treat conditions such as ADHD, anxiety, ASD, concussions, depression, insomnia, migraines, mood disorders, PTSD, and TBIs.

How does remote neurofeedback work?

Remote neurofeedback works by using video chat software to connect two people: the patient and the brain training coach. The person receiving neurofeedback wears a cap equipped with electrodes that measure electrical activity on his/her scalp.

This data is then sent wirelessly to a device called a neuroheadset where the patient hears audio instructions about what he should do next based on the measured brainwave patterns.

With enough practice, the patient is better able to control the electrical activity that occurs in their brain, which can help reduce their symptoms and lead to long-term relief even after their training has ended.

Benefits of remote neurofeedback

Remote neurofeedback offers many benefits over traditional forms of in-office neurofeedback training including:

  • No need to travel – Patients don’t have to leave their homes to receive neurofeedback therapy. They simply use the same devices they would if they were visiting their doctor’s office.
  • Increased accessibility – Many people who live in rural areas don’t have access to neurofeedback specialists.
  • More time to go to other appointments – Many people who benefit most from neurofeedback struggle with a mental health disorder or neurological condition that requires them to see a number of providers. Training your brain remotely opens up additional time to attend other appointments as needed.

How many sessions of neurofeedback training are needed?

The number of sessions required depends on each individual’s needs. Some patients may require only a handful of sessions; others might benefit from 20+ sessions. It also depends on whether the goal of your neurofeedback therapy is symptom reduction or learning new skills.

For example, someone whose primary concern is reducing stress levels could complete just one session per week for several weeks before moving onto other goals like improving memory recall. On the other hand, someone looking to improve concentration might want to train daily until they reach their goal.

Learn more about neurofeedback therapy at home

If you’re interested in learning more about neurofeedback therapy at home, reach out to us today at Braincode Centers. We are proud to offer top-of-the-line equipment and brain training services so you can practice neurofeedback from the comfort of your home.

What are you waiting for? Reach out to us today to learn more about our remote neurofeedback offerings.