More and more people are being diagnosed with ADHD. Typically, the first-line treatment for ADHD is prescription medication. And although ADHD medication works for some people, the efficacy rate is much lower than what’s typically expected from drug intervention. Worse yet, some people experience severe side effects such as insomnia, irritability, and tics. Here are five natural treatments for ADHD in adults.

1. Neurofeedback

Neurofeedback is an all-natural ADHD intervention that involves measuring brainwaves in real-time. Research has found that adults with ADHD have low levels of arousal in frontal brain areas. This causes an overproduction of theta waves and an underproduction of beta waves.

Neurofeedback therapy helps correct these irregular brainwave patterns. Just like training a muscle, you can train your brain to better perform and that’s exactly what neurofeedback does. And thanks to advancements in technology, you can train your brain from home with remote neurofeedback devices.

2. Practice mindfulness and meditation

Practicing mindfulness and meditation has been found to improve attention, reduce hyperactivity, and enhance overall cognitive functioning. However, many individuals who struggle with inattention find it difficult to clear their minds and meditate.

Guided visualization meditation can be a great type of meditation for people with ADHD. Rather than clearing your mind, you get to tap into your imagination.

3. Behavioral therapy

Behavioral therapy is a research-backed therapy that focuses on teaching new behavioral habits by rewarding “desired” behavior, such as completing a task at work, meeting a deadline, or eliminating “undesired” behavior.

Considered one of the most effective treatment options for children with ADHD, adults can benefit greatly from this type of therapy too.

4. Adjust your diet

Eating nutrient-dense food can help the areas of the brain associated with ADHD function better. The following dietary modifications may help you if you struggle with attention-related difficulties:

  • Eat more protein. Increasing your protein intake can trigger the neurotransmitters that help increase alertness and prevent blood sugar swings, which are correlated to hyperactivity.
  • Increase intake of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish and fish oil pills, are an important part of cellular health. Increasing your intake of this nutrient can help decrease restlessness, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness.
  • Take daily supplements. Magnesium, vitamin B-6, vitamin C, iron, and zinc supplements have been found to help your brain build neurotransmitters that lead to increased alertness and improved attention.

5. Cut out food intolerances

It’s estimated that as many as 20% of people have at least one food intolerance, according to Healthline. Unlike food allergies, which result in severe and sometimes life-threatening symptoms, food intolerances can be tough to identify.

The symptoms are more subtle but still very real. Most often, people experience brain fog, digestion issues, and acne, among other things. Try an elimination diet or meet with a nutrition specialist to identify your food intolerances. The most common are eggs, dairy, soy, gluten, sugar, peanuts, fruit, fish, beans, corn, rice, meat, tomatoes, and honey.

Learn more about neurofeedback as a natural treatment for ADHD in adults

If you’re interested in learning more about neurofeedback as a natural treatment for ADHD in adults, reach out to us today at Braincode Centers. We are proud to serve both children and adults who struggle with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Contact us today to learn more.