Finding a biofeedback or neurofeedback practitioner in your area can be a game-changer for your health and overall wellness. These two innovative therapies offer tons of benefits for virtually anyone. If you’re looking for biofeedback near you in Denver, you’ve come to the right place.

Biofeedback is a drug-free therapy that works to support your mental and physical well-being. This treatment uses electrical sensors placed on your body to transmit real-time data about your bodily efficiencies and functions. Biofeedback works by using various devices to monitor and record physiological functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, muscle tension, skin temperature, or brain waves. These measurements are then analyzed and presented to patients as visual and audio feedback in an attempt to help patients gain better control over their minds and bodies.

There are a number of different types of biofeedback data that can be collected, including:

  • Brainwaves (EEG)
  • Breathing
  • Heart Rate (ECG), including blood volume changes
  • Muscle Contractions (EMG)
  • Sweat Gland Activity (EDG)
  • Body Temperature
  • And more

What Conditions Can Biofeedback Near Me in Denver Treat?

Biofeedback is often used to alleviate symptoms of many medical conditions. That said, virtually anyone can find some value from this therapy. However, biofeedback can help treat:

  • Anxiety disorders
  • ADHD
  • High blood pressure
  • Insomnia
  • Recurring headaches or migraines

If you experience these conditions or symptoms, then you will likely benefit from biofeedback near you, in Denver.

Who Can Administer Biofeedback Near Me?

You won’t usually find trained medical professionals who specialize in biofeedback in most primary care doctors’ offices. You’ll likely need to find this service at specialty clinics, like Braincode Centers.

At Braincode Centers, one of our many specialties is biofeedback therapy. Biofeedback clinics like ours are staffed by board-certified biofeedback back specialists who often have experience in clinical mental health counseling.

Difference Between Biofeedback and Neurofeedback Therapy

Biofeedback and neurofeedback therapy may be mistaken for similar processes and purposes but they are very different from one another. Here’s an easy way to understand the difference: “bio” means the body and “neuro” means the brain.

Neurofeedback involves using EEG (electroencephalography) equipment to monitor brain activity. Biofeedback uses heart rate monitors or skin conductance sensors to measure physiological responses. Biofeedback is limited to mostly physiological sensations, whereas neurofeedback does not measure those sensations, like breathing, heart rate, etc.

Risks of Biofeedback

The risks associated with biofeedback are minimal. However, it may not be suitable for everyone. Biofeedback devices might not work properly for some people with certain health issues. Some people reported dizziness or anxiety during biofeedback sessions. Discuss those risks with your specialist before using biofeedback.

Are You Ready to Find Biofeedback Near You in Denver?

Whether you’re looking for biofeedback treatment, neurofeedback training, or both, Braincode Centers is the place to go.

We have highly trained professionals who understand all of the ins-and-outs of biofeedback therapy. We’ll create a detailed and highly customized treatment plan for you after your initial consultation. With our support, you’ll gain the resources to improve your physical or mental well-being.

Contact Braincode Centers today to set up your consultation and find out if you could benefit from biofeedback in Denver.