Neurofeedback is a form of biofeedback that measures brainwaves and provides real-time feedback to individuals about their mental state. If you or someone you know struggles with memory-related issues, then it’s worthwhile to seek out neurofeedback for memory loss in Denver. This advanced therapy has been shown to benefit a wide range of conditions, including:

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Insomnia

  • Tinnitus

  • Migraines

  • Epilepsy

  • Autism spectrum disorder,

  • PTSD

  • Substance abuse

  • Eating disorders

  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

  • And memory-related conditions

This therapy relies on the principle of operant conditioning and works to address conditions through repeated exposure to various stimuli. Neurofeedback is most commonly administered using a song or movie as a positive reinforcement to reward the brain for desirable actions. Over time, the therapy will help improve brainwave functions to reduce symptoms of your condition and help improve it overall.

Neurofeedback is Non-invasive

Neurofeedback is a completely non-invasive procedure that not only steers clear of side effects but the results tend to be permanent or long-lasting. This is unlike classic medication, which tends to have side effects and the results tend to be temporary.

Signs You May Need Neurofeedback for Memory Improvement in Denver

How can you tell if you just have the normal occasional bout of forgetfulness or if you’re suffering from memory loss? It can be hard to determine, especially if you are the person experiencing it. There are, however, certain signs that may indicate you could benefit from neurofeedback therapy for memory improvement, such as:

  • Having constant brain fog

  • Having trouble remembering important daily or monthly tasks

  • Having a difficult time expressing your thoughts

  • Experiencing very short memory recall, like not remembering the name of someone you just met.

How Neurofeedback Can Improve Your Memory?

Neurofeedback for memory improvement in Denver is a relatively new approach to memory enhancement, but there are several reasons why it’s become popular among older adults looking to improve their memory. During treatment, you’ll wear scalp sensors that read your brainwaves in real-time while you listen to sounds and observe visuals. Through that real-time feedback, your clinician will help you learn more efficiently about your cognitive behaviors and how to improve them. For example, one type of neurofeedback uses binaural beats to help you focus. Another method uses light flashes to read your brain’s response.

The idea behind neurofeedback is that patients who use it learn how to control brainwaves, which helps improve cognitive function. If you suffer from memory issues, a custom treatment plan can be developed for you to support your memory recall, benefit your focus, and more.

How Neurofeedback Compares to Drug-Based Treatments

Neurofeedback may be more effective than many prescription drugs for treating depression and anxiety disorders, and even memory-related conditions. It’s also safer than taking prescription medications as there’s no risk of overdosage and you’re always with a trained clinician throughout your treatment.

When it comes to drug-induced treatment for mental health issues, it can be hard to get the best results from the medications available. You may also experience some unwanted side effects.

Neurofeedback therapy is safe if performed by an appropriately trained and experienced professional.

Medications may provide short-term relief from symptoms but they don’t cure the underlying cause of the problem. Neurofeedback allows people to generate their own results even after they’ve stopped receiving therapy.

How Long Do Results Last?

Neurofeedback therapies produce their own results and don’t depend on any medication. Patients can therefore experience symptom improvements and relief even after they’ve stopped receiving treatments. The positive results generated from neurofeedback treatment can be experienced long-term.

Overall, neurofeedback for memory improvement in Denver can be a long-lasting, safe, and effective treatment option, without the risk of side effects that can occur with the use of prescription medication. Contact Braincode Centers today to get started with neurofeedback therapy!