Current treatments for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) seek to reduce the symptoms that impair daily functioning and quality of living. However, there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to treating ASD. Each individual on the autism spectrum has unique strengths and challenges, that require different treatment needs. That’s why we created this fact sheet outlining information about current treatments for ASD, including what types of interventions are used, where they take place, and how they work. Treatment options for autism in Denver vary based on age, gender, the severity of symptoms, and preferences of the person with ASD and their family.

There is no long-term treatment for ASD that completely eliminates the condition, however these treatments can provide long-term support and symptom relief for individuals with ASD.

Types of Treatments for ASD

There are many different kinds of treatment options for autism available today. These treatments generally can be broken down into the following categories, although some treatments may incorporate more than one approach.

  • Behavioral – Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Cognitive behavior therapy focuses on the connection between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

  • Developmental

  • Educational

  • Social-Relational

  • Pharmacological

  • Psychological

  • Complementary and Alternative

One treatment option for ASD that has been gaining steam in recent is called neurofeedback. It’s an innovative therapy that has shown great success with individuals on the spectrum.

What is Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback can be described as the process of re-training the brain using biofeedback technology. The idea behind it is simple: to train your brain to produce certain types of activity and behaviors. This could mean helping your brain learn how to relax, focus in stressful situations, recognize triggers, or mitigate symptoms.

The goal of neurofeedback is to improve mental health and well-being. There are many different uses of neurofeedback therapy and it is commonly used to help people with autism, ADHD, depression, anxiety, stress, sleep disorders, and more.

What is Neurofeedback Used For?

Neurofeedback therapy uses technology to measure brainwaves and translate them into visual, real-time feedback. This therapy helps to change unhealthy or undesirable brainwave activity into normalized, healthy, and organized activity, which can improve memory, concentration and other mental skills.

Neurofeedback supporters and researchers claim it can help autistic children, for example, by improving social skills, communication, language, and ability to focus. Practitioners also claim that the therapy can reduce seizures and self-injurious behaviors such as rocking, head banging, and hand flapping.

How Neurofeedback Can Help Autistic People

Your brain cells produce and send electrical signals/messages to each other all the time, which creates your brain waves. The brainwave readings recorded during neurofeedback therapy show how much electrical activity is occurring in your brain during certain situations or tasks.

Your brainwaves change depending on how you feel or what you’re doing at any given time. They are generally slower when you’re relaxing or asleep, and faster if you’re alert and concentrating

In neurofeedback therapy, an electroencephalographic (EEG) machine monitors your brain wave patterns in real-time. With this instantaneous feedback, you can learn how to optimize your cognitive capabilities and gain better control over your brain waves.

Neurofeedback can be a potential treatment option for autism in Denver to help you or your loved one develop new brainwave patterns. This method can help improve speech, behavior, and other symptoms commonly associated with autism.

Start Neurofeedback Today as a Treatment Option for Autism

At Braincode Centers, we work closely with our clients to help them better comprehend, accommodate, and support any issues they may be experiencing. We provide expert care for both children and adults who suffer from autism spectrum disorder. Not only do we offer neurofeedback services, but we can provide counseling as well.

If you’ve been diagnosed with ASD or are searching for treatment options for autism in Denver, contact our expert clinicians today to set up a consultation and see if neurofeedback is right for you.