Neurofeedback has been used for decades to treat trauma. It was first developed nearly 60 years ago and has advanced greatly since then. Mainstream neurosciences are now showing us that a variety of psychological illnesses and severe emotional turmoil can actually be understood as firing errors in the electrical activities of the brain. Neurofeedback has become an increasingly sophisticated technology, one that can help people change their brains’ activities to eliminate symptoms of various mental health issues. Neurofeedback for trauma has shown to be an effective, non-invasive treatment.

Here we will dive into how neurofeedback in Denver can help ease trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms.

Neurofeedback and Trauma

Neurofeedback is a newer and promising, promising, evidence-based therapy that can help address deep underlying biological changes resulting evidence-based therapy that can help address deep underlying biological changes that result from trauma.

Trauma affects us physically and mentally. There are many factors involved in how an individual responds to trauma including genetics, environment, life experiences, and more. But what happens in the brain during traumatic events? What causes the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder? And what can you do about it?

In this article, we address some of these questions and explain why neurofeedback in Denver is a useful treatment for trauma and PTSD.

Talk Therapy Might Not Be Enough

Counseling and talk therapies can help people who suffer from PTSD in many different ways. Therapy can help:

  • Validate feelings and help patients understand that they’re not responsible for what has occurred.

  • Patients see things from a different perspective.

  • Provide a personal sense of caring, concern, and support.

However, trauma is usually experienced as a whole-brain event, instead of a linear story. It doesn’t mean that people remember what happened as a cohesive narrative. Rather, people with trauma remember how they were feeling at the time and how their bodies responded. Those individuals remember how scared they felt, which may lead to a rapid heartbeat and difficulty breathing.

Talk therapy often cannot address these emotional or physical memories of trauma that are embedded in the body’s physiology.

What is The Evidence of Neurofeedback for Trauma

Trauma-focused neurofeedback in Denver helps patients struggling from a hyper-aroused state reach a calmer level so they can feel safer and react appropriately to everyday occurrences.

Studies have shown that neurofeedback can be helpful for treating post-traumatic stress disorder. This is because neurofeedback literally works to re-train the brain to mitigate symptoms. Some studies have even shown that neurofeedback can change the brain function of PTSD patients.

It’s worth noting that the level of symptom relief in most of these studies was quite impressive. Neurofeedback has proven to be more effective than medications in treating post-traumatic stress disorder because this therapy treats symptoms in the long-term, rather than temporarily masking them.

Recovering from Trauma with Neurofeedback in Denver

EEG (electroencephalography) technology plays a key part in re-establishing your normal functioning by using neurofeedback techniques. A qEEG (Quantitative Electroencephalography) brain map helps our clinicians determine which brainwave frequency bands are most impacted by your trauma and guides our personalized neurofeedback treatments to rebalance and improve your brain function accordingly. By doing so, patients experience improvements in their mental health, sleep quality, ability to cope with stress, and overall cognitive functioning. Neurofeedback and suggested supplemental therapy, such as counseling, can help you reduce or eliminate the need for prescribed medications by helping you regain control over your brainwaves.

At Braincode Centers, we can help you overcome the symptoms of your trauma and guide your path to recovery with a personalized brain training strategy. Through iterative sessions, we’ll help mitigate your trauma symptoms and help you develop effective coping skills for long-term relief.

If you struggle with PTSD or have experienced a traumatic event, contact our trauma team at Braincode Centers today to learn how we can help you restore a safe and controlled sense of self.