Attachment disorder is a general label referring to disturbances in mood, behavior, and interpersonal relationships that result from a lack of healthy nurturing care and support during childhood. In children, symptoms of attachment disorder can appear as defiant behaviors, a willingness to follow strangers, and even threats of violence toward parents or caregivers. These children also tend to struggle with peer relations, which can make childhood a challenging time. A wide range of attachment disorder symptoms can develop during this time.

The effects of attachment disorder can be far-reaching and long-lasting. Children who suffer from attachment disorder may have difficulty forming relationships with peers and adults alike. They may also struggle to express their emotions appropriately and struggle to cope with stress or anxiety. Additionally, children with attachment disorder may have difficulty regulating their behaviors and show signs of aggression or defiance toward authority figures.

It is important for parents and caregivers to recognize the signs of attachment disorder early on so that they can provide the necessary support for their child’s development. With proper intervention and treatment, children affected by this disorder can learn how to form healthy attachments and develop strong relationships with those around them.

Symptoms and Causes of Attachment Disorders

The American Psychiatric Association recognizes two types of attachment disorders: reactive attachment disorder and disinhibited social engagement disorder.

Reactive Attachment Disorder

Reactive attachment disorder develops in infancy or early childhood. It can develop because the child failed to seek comfort from a parent/caregiver, due to negative previous experiences.

The symptoms of this attachment disorder symptoms can manifest or continue in adults if the condition is untreated in children. Symptoms of reactive attachment disorder include:

  • Difficulty reading emotions
  • Resistance to affection
  • Difficulty showing affection
  • Low levels of trust
  • Difficulty maintaining relationships
  • Negative self-image
  • Anger issues
  • Impulsivity

Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder

Disinhibited social engagement disorder (DSED) is a condition in which an individual is overly friendly with strangers. For example, a child with this anxiety disorder may sit on a stranger’s lap or seek comfort in another way, even when their parent/caregiver is present.

If a child with DSED does not receive adequate treatment, the issue can manifest or continue into adulthood just like other attachment disorders. An adolescent or adult with DSED may display symptoms like:

  • Hyperactivity
  • Extreme trust in people that they do not know well
  • Lack of awareness of social boundaries
  • Extreme sociability
  • Tendency to ask intrusive questions to people that they have just met
  • Other behaviors that show a lack of inhibition

How Neurofeedback Can Help Ease Attachment Disorder Symptoms

Neurofeedback therapy is a powerful tool for helping people who have experienced neglect or trauma. It can be used to lower feelings of anxiety and safely restart the developmental process of attachment disorder. The LENS (Low Energy Neurofeedback System) is particularly effective in treating very young children, as it helps to regulate the parasympathetic nervous system which controls our ability to perceive safety and calm ourselves.

When more severe trauma has been part of the child’s history, qEEG (Quantitative Electroencephalography) technology may be used to target specific brain areas that have been affected by early experiences. This allows your neurofeedback clinician to identify areas that are not functioning optimally and then use neurofeedback techniques to help restore balance and improve overall brain function.

Neurofeedback therapy can also help reduce symptoms associated with PTSD, depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. With this type of therapy, we can help people learn how to better manage their emotions and behaviors in order to lead healthier lives.

Get Treatment for Your Attachment Disorder Symptoms

Treating attachment disorder in a timely manner is vital. The disruption of a child’s essential needs can lead to overactive fear networks in the brain. At Braincode Centers, we use qEEG brain mapping to pinpoint areas of the brain that may be off-kilter. We then develop a customized brain training treatment program that relies on neurofeedback to handle the signs and symptoms that your child is displaying.

Schedule a consultation with Braincode Centers today to learn more about this natural treatment for attachment disorder.