ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, affects millions of people of all ages in the United States. This neurodevelopmental disorder impacts the ability to concentrate, control impulses, and manage behavior. The traditional treatment for ADHD is medication, but many people are hesitant to take medication or experience unwanted side effects. Fortunately, there are non-medication ADHD treatments in Dallas that can be just as effective for managing symptoms. Now, let’s take a look at what those treatment options are and how they can benefit those who struggle with ADHD.

How Does ADHD Impact the Brain?

ADHD most prominently impacts the executive function of the brain. And more specifically, it impacts the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for regulating attention, decision-making, and impulse control. ADHD disrupts the normal functioning of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and norepinephrine, which are essential for attention and motivation. As a result, individuals with ADHD may struggle with focusing, organizing, completing tasks, and managing their time.

Connection to Other Mental Health Issues

Because of the nature of ADHD and the ways it affects the brain, it is also often linked to other mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and substance abuse. People who struggle with ADHD may have trouble regulating their emotions, which can lead to feelings of anxiety or depression. They may also struggle with impulsivity, which can increase the likelihood of engaging in risky behaviors and puts strain on personal relationships. Fortunately, there are multiple treatment options available for people who struggle with this disorder. including non-medication avenues.

Drug-free Treatment Options

When it comes to ADHD treatment in Dallas there are some phenomenal options that are completely drug-free but also highly effective. Cognitive behavioral therapy and neurofeedback therapy are two of the best methods for treating ADHD. Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps individuals to change their negative thought patterns and develop more positive coping strategies. This therapeutic technique helps people identify the specific triggers that contribute to their symptoms and develop coping and other strategies to better manage them.

Seeking out treatment can make a huge difference in the ability to accomplish tasks and reach long-term goals. Neurofeedback can also help people with ADHD better respond to triggers, while also targeting many of their physiological symptoms.

How Neurofeedback Can Help

Neurofeedback therapy involves the use of qEEG biofeedback technology to assist individuals in regulating their brains. During a standard session, individuals wear a cap that records their brainwaves in real-time while receiving stimulation from audio or visual elements. Patients with ADHD can develop new cognitive efficiencies that lead to a reduction in symptoms through repeated exposure and positive reinforcement.

Rewiring a Disorganized Brain

Neurofeedback can assist in retraining the brain to improve focus and attention. Through the use of immediate feedback on brain activity, patients can become more aware of when their concentration is waning and make necessary corrections independently. Over time, the unwanted behaviors associated with the disorder can be redirected to habits that better serve the person’s goal. Research has found this specific therapy to be beneficial for children diagnosed with ADHD, especially those who may not be responsive to traditional treatment methods such as medication.

Trust Braincode Centers for Life-Changing ADHD Treatment

Braincode Centers offers safe and effective treatment options for ADHD that do not involve medication. Our experienced and trusted neurofeedback technicians will work with you to develop a completely custom treatment plan that addresses your specific struggles. By working with us you can gain a much greater understanding of your brain and have a direct hand in overcoming your ADHD symptoms.

Get in touch with our brain experts today to see how we can help retrain your mind.