If you have a child struggling with symptoms of ADHD, you know how challenging this disorder can be. There’s so many different factors that play into your child’s ability to cope with their symptoms and lead some semblance of a normal life. Understanding not only what those factors are, but also what the underlying causes leading to the symptoms are essential to effectively managing ADHD. You have options when it comes to treating ADHD, but they are not all going to be the right fit for you family. Medication is among the most common remedy, but many parents are hesitant to lean on pills. If you’re not sure medication is the right fit, you may consider an alternative treatment for ADHD in Denver. Neurofeedback could be the exact form of therapy you’re looking for.

Why Consider An Alternative Treatment For ADHD In Denver

If you’ve done the precursory Google search to identify what the side effects of ADHD medicine are, you know that the lists are extensive. This can be alarming as a parent, especially when your child is already struggling. The most common side effects of medication are sleep issues, changes in appetite, dizziness, headaches, stomachaches, and moodiness. ADHD is a disorder that affects the brain. That means any medication that treats it will also affect the brain. We understand why you wouldn’t be particularly inclined to jump right to chemical alteration when your child is struggling, especially when there are alternative treatments for ADHD easily available.

Neurofeedback As An Alternative Treatment For ADHD

A trained clinician will perform a qEEG brain map to identify areas of over or under performance in the brain. This will help determine what the root cause or causes of the symptoms your child is experiencing may be. While we might be biased, we firmly believe that seeking an alternative treatment for ADHD in Denver is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your child. You might be wondering why, and you wouldn’t be alone in that.

As with many other disorders that affect the brain, ADHD is especially complex. Sometimes – and more often than you’d think – patients will seek out alternative treatment for ADHD and have a qEEG brain map performed only to find that the neurological frequencies that occur in the brain when the patient is experiencing symptoms don’t actually indicate a focus-related disorder. Because disorders like ADHD can’t be proven or disproven with something definitive like a blood test, misdiagnoses are relatively common. Seeking additional testing or an alternative therapy option can help you ensure you’re treating the symptoms by addressing the appropriate root cause (which is not always ADHD).

Whether the qEEG brain map confirms or disproves a diagnosis of ADHD, neurofeedback can be a beneficial treatment option. Neurofeedback is a non-invasive therapy that targets specific frequencies in the brain using positive reinforcement. It’s proven to be a highly effective alternative treatment for ADHD, among countless other disorders, because it is such a specific form of therapy.
When a patient uses neurofeedback as an alternative treatment for ADHD in Denver, they will wear a cap that’s fitted with electrodes to measure the brain activity. Over a set period of time, the patient will engage in an activity they enjoy, stopping and starting as they are able to recognize and control responses to various stimuli. This approach taps into the most basic biological functions in order to help patients better understand and control how they react to different experiences.

Try An Alternative Treatment For ADHD In Denver At Braincode Centers

If your child has been diagnosed with ADHD or is showing symptoms of a focus-related disorder and you want to educate yourself on the treatment options available, contact Braincode Centers to learn more about neurofeedback as an alternative treatment for ADHD in Denver.