Experiencing memory loss is exceptionally difficult. It can often leave you (or your loved one) feeling confused, frustrated, embarrassed, and isolated. And until recently, there weren’t many options available to help slow or reverse the effects of cognitive decline. But thanks to technological advancements, there are now many available therapies to help improve the way your brain functions. If you or your loved one have been experiencing cognitive decline or memory loss, you may want to consider trying neurofeedback for memory improvement.

What is neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback is a type of biofeedback that uses real-time feedback of brainwave activity to help train your brain. In a treatment session, sensors are placed on your scalp to measure the electrical activity occurring in your brain.

Neurofeedback is most commonly provided using a song or movie that serves as a positive reward when desired brainwave activity is occurring and negative feedback when brainwave activity is undesirable. This training helps individuals learn to better control their neurophysiological parameters, which helps improve cognitive function and memory.

Why consider neurofeedback for memory improvement?

Neurofeedback might sound like a fancy new approach to memory care, but it’s actually been used for decades. And its growing popularity is mainly due to its more recent increased accessibility. Here are five reasons to consider neurofeedback for memory improvement.

1. Neurofeedback is a drug-free approach to improving memory

The FDA has approved two types of prescription medications to help treat memory loss—cholinesterase inhibitors and memantine. Although these medications can certainly be helpful in treating memory loss, they often have a number of undesirable side effects including severe headaches, blurred vision, pounding in the ears or neck, changes in mood, or even convulsions.

For this reason, many people seek more natural forms of treatment such as neurofeedback, which is entirely drug-free. And because it’s drug-free, you don’t have to worry about any serious side effects.

2. Brainwave imbalance has been linked to memory loss

Many things can cause memory loss—concussions, TBIs, Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia are a few examples. But one thing they all have in common is a link to brainwave imbalance. Your brainwaves are responsible for the way your brain functions. And when an imbalance occurs, they can’t communicate correctly with your neurotransmitters, which leads to an acceleration of the symptoms associated with declining memory.

Neurofeedback helps your brain form new pathways to regulate your brainwaves, and thus, improve your memory.

3. Neurofeedback is research-backed

There have been a number of research studies that support neurofeedback for memory loss. Here are just a few of the more notable studies:

4. Brain training treats the problem at the source

One of the many reasons neurofeedback is such a promising treatment option for those experiencing memory loss is because it treats the problem right at the source: your brain. You’ll complete a qEEG brain map to identify the areas of your brain that are underperforming and this will guide your individualized treatment plan. Neurofeedback aims to treat the root cause of the problem, rather than just the symptoms.

5. Neurofeedback can offer long-lasting memory improvement

By treating the problem at the source, and effectively rewiring your brain, many people experience long-lasting memory improvement thanks to their neurofeedback training.

Learn more about neurofeedback for memory loss

If you’re interested in exploring neurofeedback for memory loss, reach out to us at Braincode Centers. We offer free consultations so you can determine if neurofeedback will be beneficial to you or your loved one.

Contact us today to get started.