If your child has been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), that diagnosis may come as a shock. As a parent, you may be wondering what you can do to help your child navigate the complexities of their condition. You have multiple options available for your child’s autism treatment in Dallas that may be effective for them, but that doesn’t mean you should go all in on one treatment method.

There are numerous factors and considerations that you should take into account for your child’s well-being. Make sure you keep these things in mind when looking for ASD therapies and treatments.

Mental Health Stigmas Can Be Damaging

While the stigmas surrounding mental health conditions are changing for the better, they are still prevalent in our society. Stigmas are deeply discrediting and can make individuals and their loved ones feel discounted and like outcasts. It is important for parents to be aware of the damaging impacts that autism stigmas can have on your child’s mental health.

Children on the autism spectrum can struggle with a variety of symptoms, which may include:

  • Difficulty understanding and appropriately responding to others’ feelings
  • Difficulty communicating and expressing emotions
  • Social isolation
  • Repetitive behaviors such as rocking or tapping
  • Resistance to minor changes in routine or surroundings
  • Unusual and intense reactions to stimuli
  • Other challenging behaviors

In addition to these symptoms and others, the stigmas associated with autism can make it more difficult for your child to be comfortable in social situations. When you learn your child has ASD, it’s important to provide a safe environment in which they can express themselves and feel supported.

Medications Aren’t Always the Solution

Prescription medications are often the main treatment method for many mental health afflictions and disorders. However, medication is not a long-term cure; it is a temporary fix for certain symptoms. This can create dependencies for many individuals and should be the sole treatment strategy for your kids.

We should also note that the FDA has only approved a handful of prescription medications for ASD in children. These medications can carry some risks, so parents must consult with their healthcare providers to fully understand those risks for their kids.

In many cases, it’s often best to pair the meds with other science-backed therapies and treatments simultaneously.

Reliable Treatments for ASD

While there is no cure for autism, there are many reliable therapies and treatments available today that can improve the quality of life for kids with autism. Here are just a few examples to consider:

  • Behavioral Interventions – These strategies reinforce behaviors that form the foundation of skill development by breaking down complex behaviors into smaller tasks.
  • Speech Therapy – Since children with autism can have deficits in social communication, speech therapy is an important treatment option to consider.
  • Occupational Therapy – This approach helps teach life skills that involve fine-motor movements like dressing, writing, using utensils, and so on.
  • Physical Therapy – PT aims to improve gross motor skills and sensory integration issues.
  • Brain Training Techniques – Neurofeedback can help improve emotional regulation skills and help individuals with autism respond more appropriately to stressors that may cause unwanted behaviors.

Can Neurofeedback Help my Child?

Everyone is different, and that means it’s often tough to find an effective treatment for each individual. Since autism is a spectrum, the right treatment may differ from child to child. However, neurofeedback can likely benefit most children with autism spectrum disorder because it treats symptoms at the source: the brain.

Neurofeedback treatment begins by first creating a qEEG brain map to identify the neurological activity that occurs in relation to ASD symptoms. That information will then guide the neurofeedback treatment which will involve a series of mental exercises and brain training activities.

Over time, the training sessions will literally restructure your child’s brainwave activities to address specific symptoms and correct behaviors associated with autism. Plus, it’s completely non-invasive, drug-free, and all-natural.

Learn More About our Autism Treatment in Dallas

Are you looking for ways to improve the quality of daily life for your child? If they’ve been diagnosed with autism, our team of mental health specialists at Braincode Centers is ready to help!

We are a leading practitioner of neurofeedback therapy in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Our providers will build a personalized treatment plan for your children that blends seamlessly with any existing treatment strategies. And we’ll go the extra mile to address the needs of your young child.

Contact us today to schedule a neurofeedback consultation for your child and see if it’s the right autism treatment in Dallas for them.