How much do you really know about why you do the things you do? Why do you react to certain things one way while others react to the same thing another way? Understanding your own neurological makeup is key to recognizing behavior patterns, both good and bad. Brain mapping is a tool that can be used to get familiar with your neurological pathways and identify abnormalities that may be causing symptoms of disorders like anxiety or depression. qEEG brain mapping can seem like a scary and overwhelming experience. We can assure you, that’s not the case. So, let’s review: What is qEEG brain mapping?

Your Questions, Answered: What Is qEEG Brain Mapping?

A brain map can be an invaluable resource if you’re struggling to lead your best life. Identifying weaknesses in the fundamental biology of your brain is the only way to go about strengthening those pathways and changing your behavior. It takes an open mind to consider a brain map and all that goes along with that, so let’s dispel some of the most common misconceptions surrounding brain mapping.

Does It Hurt?

Second only to “What is qEEG brain mapping?” this question is one of the most frequently asked. It’s entirely warranted when you’re talking about the brain. Brain mapping is an entirely non-invasive process. It involves wearing a cap over your head that will have electrodes on it. Using a conductive agent (aka a water-soluble gel), your technician will connect the electrodes to a monitor to begin the mapping process.

You’ll be entirely passive throughout the mapping process, however, you may be asked to open and close your eyes for certain stints. So, the answer to the question is no. A brain map doesn’t hurt one bit.

How Should I Prepare?

Once you know what qEEG brain mapping is, the next thing you’ll need to do is prepare for your appointment. It is not much different than preparing for any other routine healthcare appointment. You’ll want to get a good night’s sleep the night before and eat a balanced meal prior to your appointment. Avoid drinking caffeine or taking any other medication immediately prior to the appointment, as that may influence your results. Be sure to consult with your primary care physician before stopping any medication.

When you come in for your mapping appointment, you’ll want to clean hair with no product in it. If you wear contacts, be prepared to take them out or wear you glasses during the session. Lastly, once you get hooked up to the monitors, it can be a little complicated to unhook you. Use the restroom prior to your map, so that you can relax throughout the entire appointment.

What Should I Expect?

The mapping process is non-invasive and lasts about an hour. You’ll be able to sit back and relax for the duration of the map once we’ve got all the electrodes connected. For half of the recording, you’ll have your eyes open and during the other half, your eyes will be closed. All you have to do during your session is remain still, stay calm, and be as alert as possible. Our qEEG brain mapping technicians will guide you through the rest of the process.

Why Should I Get A Brain Map?

There are countless benefits to qEEG brain mapping, from getting a better idea of how your mind operates to identifying strengths and weaknesses in your neurological pathways. This information helps you better understand symptoms you may be experiencing and can guide ongoing treatment to help you find relief from them. Learn more about the benefits of brain mapping from our blog.

Still Have Questions?

Braincode Centers offers a consultation for clients wondering: What is qEEG brain mapping? During this appointment, you can sit down with one of our experienced technicians and they will walk you through the process. Any lingering questions that may still be unanswered will be addressed so that you can feel confident moving forward with your brain map.

Wondering What qEEG Brain Mapping Is? Find Out Today

Braincode Centers is the premier provider of brain mapping, neurofeedback, and counseling services. Our passion is helping you live out yours in the healthiest and happiest way possible. We believe achieving your goals starts with understanding your mind.

Schedule an appointment to learn more about what qEEG brain mapping is today.