Insomnia is one of the most frustrating sleep disorders one can struggle with. If you’re having difficulty falling asleep, struggling to stay asleep, or just feel plain exhausted when you wake up in the morning, you may be considering your options for treating insomnia. Some people aren’t inclined to jump straight to a prescription medication, while others are already taking a prescription medication and still not getting the rest they need to feel focused and energized throughout the day. Lack of truly restful sleep can lead to serious, negative side effects, including irritability, weight gain, and even chronic pain. Finding a way to successfully treat your insomnia can be made easier with these tried and true methods.

Customize And Stick To A Sleep Routine

Our bodies thrive on routine and your sleep schedule is no different. We know that treating insomnia through a routine is much easier said than done. Our schedule Monday through Friday is often a lot different than what goes on over the weekend. Sometimes we’re behind on a deadline and a normal workday turns into a Wednesday all-nighter. There are a lot of things that are out of our control, but it is important to prioritize a sleep schedule the best that you can. Here are some tips for creating a sleep routine that promotes deep, restful sleep:

  • Try to go to sleep and wake up within an hour of the same time every day.
  • Try restful, relaxing activities 30-minutes to an hour prior to sleep – reading, a warm bath, or meditation are all great starts.
  • Restrict your bed to sleep and sex only. Avoid watching TV, working, or browsing on your phone while in bed.
  • If you toss and turn for longer than 20 minutes, get up and try a relaxing activity.
  • Turn off notifications one hour before bed.

By creating a routine that you stick to, you can train your brain to identify the patterns prior to sleep, thus allowing you to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.

Neurofeedback To Treat Insomnia

Neurofeedback is another way to treat insomnia without medication or sleep labs. This can be especially beneficial if your sleep struggles are suddenly onset and you cannot identify any particular reason that is keeping you from getting restful sleep. Neurofeedback relies on qEEG brain mapping to identify the electrical frequencies that are over-stimulated and helps you train your brain to calm those frequencies that are keeping you awake.

Manage Stress With Healthy Outlets

Stress is one of the most common external factors that keeps people awake. Because the elements that lead to stress are often out of our control, many people can struggle to find an effective way to manage their stress. There are nearly endless ways to manage stress, from journaling to yoga and meditation to talk therapy. Ultimately, if stress is preventing you from getting deep, restful sleep, you have to find an effective way to manage your stress that works best for you.

Alpha-Stim AID For Improved Sleep

Alpha-Stim AID taps into the naturally occurring electrical currents in your brain. These currents stimulate your brain to modulate a specific group of nerve cells to support better sleep quality. Alpha-Stim AID has been researched thoroughly as a tool to treat a variety of ailments, including insomnia, and has been shown to be as much as 28% more effective in treating sleep disorders than the most popular prescriptions.

Successfully Treat Insomnia With Braincode Centers

At Braincode Centers, we help clients identify the underlying causes of insomnia to better treat the disorder and get them sleeping better faster. Whether neurofeedback, Alpha-Stim AID, or traditional talk therapy to manage stress is the best course of action for you, the specialists at Braincode Centers are dedicated to facilitating an exceptional client experience that helps you lead your best life. If you’re struggling to get deep, restful sleep, Braincode Centers can help. Contact us today to schedule a FREE consultation with our specialists.