Trauma Treatment in Dallas: Neurofeedback to Retrain Your Brain

Approximately 70% of U.S. adults will experience a traumatic event at some point in their life. That’s almost 225 million people. The post-traumatic stress that trauma puts on the body and brain can lead to a number of psychological, physical, and emotional symptoms. Most often cognitive behavioral therapy and medication are used as first-line treatment for trauma. If you’ve tried both and are still struggling to heal from your trauma, it may be worth trying an additional and innovative trauma treatment in Dallas.

Neurofeedback is a type of brain training that’s used to help treat survivors of trauma and PTSD. It could be just what you need to experience lasting relief from your symptoms.

What is neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback, or EEG biofeedback, is a research-backed treatment to help improve your brain’s response to trauma through intensive brain training exercises. It’s entirely non-invasive that helps regulate brainwave frequencies, which are often disrupted after experiencing trauma.

How trauma affects the brain

Experiencing a traumatic event activates the amygdala, which can take away a person’s sense of stability and safety on a deep level. Part of the limbic system, the amygdala is a primitive part of the brain that is responsible for responding to fear and stress.

During a traumatic event, the amygdala alerts and activates the hypothalamus, which is the part of the brain that produces stress hormones like cortisol. It also activates the body’s fight-or-flight mode, which impacts the autonomic nervous system and leads to involuntary body functions such as increased heart rate, shallow breathing, sweating, and muscle tension.

After the traumatic event has ended, the amygdala remains activated, even in the absence of a threat.

How does neurofeedback help treat trauma?

To understand how neurofeedback can help treat trauma (and the symptoms associated with it), it’s important to first understand how the brain communicates. The cells in the brain communicate via electrical impulses, which form brainwaves.

When the amygdala is hyperactive, the brain produces irregular brainwaves, which can lead to unhealthy patterns of biological activity and behavior. Here’s how neurofeedback leverages the brain’s neuroplasticity to regulate brainwaves:

  1. EEG sensors are placed on the patient’s scalp to record brainwaves
  2. Software is used to display the brainwave frequencies in real-time
  3. Audio or visual feedback is given when your brainwaves are within normal ranges, reinforcing the positive brainwave activity
  4. With enough practice, these rewards help train the brain to create new habits of electrical activity

Unlike traditional therapy, which requires individuals to relive their trauma, neurofeedback is focused on helping their brains achieve a relaxed state and shift from the hyperarousal of the fight-or-flight state. Plus, there are no known side effects associated with neurofeedback.

Neurofeedback is most effective when used in conjunction with talk therapy and it’s important to continue meeting with your therapist throughout your brain training sessions.

Learn more about neurofeedback for trauma treatment in Dallas

If you’re struggling to heal from trauma or dealing with PTSD, we’re here to help. Our neurofeedback specialists are trained to help your brain achieve an optimal, relaxed state so you can start feeling like your usual self again.

Contact us today to learn more about neurofeedback as a trauma treatment in Dallas.