According to the National Institute of Mental Health, it’s estimated 9.7% of U.S. adults suffer from a mood disorder. This umbrella term encompasses a wide array of mental illnesses from depression to bipolar disorder and so on. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to support your mental health with an effective mood treatment in Denver.

Today we will outline an innovative treatment for mood disorders and how it can help address your condition.

What Are Mood Disorders?

The term, “mood disorder,” is used by mental health professionals to broadly describe mental health conditions that affect a person’s everyday emotional state (John Hopkins Medicine).

Mood disorders encompass every type of depression and bipolar disorder. These conditions also contain many subtypes and come with many unique symptoms.

Major depressive disorder, for instance, is characterized by a persistent depressed mood. However, seasonal depression (also called seasonal affective disorder) may only occur during winter or other times of the year. And bipolar I disorder is characterized by extreme mood swings and manic or depressive episodes.

Symptoms of mood disorders can range widely, but may include:

  • Persistent feelings of sadness
  • Lack of energy
  • Loss of interest in daily activities
  • Poor sleep or insomnia
  • Irritability, restlessness, or agitation
  • Increased risk-taking behavior
  • Feeling on edge or jumpy

Prescription medications are often the first line of defense for managing these types of disorders. However, those drugs can come with unpleasant side effects. That’s where neurofeedback comes into the equation.

Neurofeedback: A Top Mood Treatment in Denver

If you’re looking for an all-natural, non-invasive, and drug-free treatment for your disorder, try neurofeedback!

This effective treatment technique works to treat mental health issues right at the source: your brain. Based on the concept of operant conditioning, neurofeedback works to retrain your brain through rewards-based reinforcement strategies.

The system gathers real-time feedback on your brain activity. When your brain is functioning within optimal ranges, that behavior is reinforced with a reward. In most cases, a song, movie, or video game will be played.

But, when your brain activity falls out of that optimal space, the reward is taken away. The song, movie, or game will stop playing.

Through repeated exposure, you will gradually learn how to retrain your brain activity. This will help you address the source of your depression or bipolar disorder.

How Neurofeedback Benefits Mood Disorders

Mood disorders, like manic depression or dysthymia, are related to your brain chemistry.

A multitude of factors, like genetics, environmental factors, and other biological factors, affect how the neurotransmitters in your brain interact. Those various factors can create a brain imbalance that’s responsible for a mood disorder.

Even physical medical conditions can contribute to a high level of stress, which may alter your brain chemistry and result in mood disorders.

Neurofeedback can help correct those brain chemistry imbalances because it directly measures the electrical activity in your brain in real-time.

During treatment, you’re receiving feedback every half second about your brain activity. That means you have roughly 3600 chances to learn and improve your brain in a single hour-long session.

With enough practice, you can literally change your brain chemistry for the better and experience a better quality of life.

Book Your Consultation for a Mood Treatment in Denver

Don’t let your mood disorder dominate your daily life any longer! At Braincode Centers, we can help alleviate your mental struggles with a custom neurofeedback treatment plan.

Our brain training specialists have extensive experience treating all types of mental health disorders. After completing a qEEG brain map, we’ll create a personalized treatment approach for you that will integrate neurofeedback with our types of mental health care, like counseling. With our treatment team at your side, you’ll gain a high level of care to support and treat your mood disorder.

Contact Braincode Centers today to schedule your neurofeedback appointment and learn more about this mood treatment in Denver.