According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, as many as 1 in 5 Americans have a diagnosable mental illness in any given year. And 1 in 25 Americans will experience a serious mental illness at some point in their lives. What if, instead of relying only on medication to mask the symptoms, you could also train your brain to improve your mental health? With neurofeedback therapy, you can do exactly that. If you’re interested in learning more about neurofeedback in Denver, you’ve come to the right place.

What is neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback is a type of therapy that uses EEG technology to pinpoint imbalances in the brain and provide real-time feedback about brainwave activity.

Through operant conditioning, a type of behavioral-based learning, you’ll retrain your brain to function more optimally based on learned consequences. For example, when your brainwaves are within normal ranges, a positive reward is given—often in the form of a movie, song, or video game. When your brainwaves move outside of normal ranges, the reward is taken away and the movie, song, or video game stops playing.

Repeated exposure to these positive rewards can help change the state of your brain and lead to long-lasting changes in the way it functions.

What kind of mental health disorders can neurofeedback treat?

Neurofeedback therapy can be used to treat a wide range of mental health disorders and conditions, including:

  • Anxiety disorders
  • Attachment disorder
  • Depression
  • Bipolar disorder
  • And PTSD

Neurofeedback can also be used to help manage symptoms of insomnia and other sleep-related disorders, which are commonly present in people with mental health disorders.

Why try neurofeedback

It’s no secret that mental health disorders are difficult to manage. Even with talk therapy and medication, many people can still struggle with their conditions throughout their day-to-day lives. Whether you feel like your medication isn’t alleviating your symptoms or you simply don’t feel like your usual self, neurofeedback can offer a long list of benefits when used in conjunction with your current treatment. Here are some of the top reasons to try neurofeedback:

  • It’s a drug-free therapy
  • It’s a 100% natural and non-invasive treatment option
  • There are no side effects
  • You are treating the problem at the source instead of just masking the symptoms
  • It provides long-lasting relief and fundamental changes to the state of your brain
  • It puts you more in control of your health and well-being
  • It can decrease or even eliminate the need for prescription medications

How neurofeedback works

Neurofeedback treatment always begins with the completion of a qEEG brain map. This will help identify the specific areas of your brain that are out of balance and guide your personalized treatment plan.

From here, you will begin treatment sessions, where electrodes are placed on your scalp. These electrodes read your brainwave activity, which is displayed on a monitor so you can see it in real-time.

With each treatment session, your brain will learn how to reroute and create new pathways that help you respond more positively to specific stimuli.

Where to find neurofeedback in Denver

If you’re interested in learning more about neurofeedback in Denver, reach out to us at Braincode Centers. We offer free consultations so you can talk to specialists about the symptoms you’re experiencing and determine if neurofeedback could be beneficial to you.

What are you waiting for? Contact us today to start retraining your brain and improving your mental health.