Neurofeedback has been used for many years in treating various disorders and conditions including anxiety, depression, ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, chronic pain, insomnia, epilepsy, migraines, substance abuse, and more. This innovative therapy is also being studied for its potential use with PTSD. If you’re struggling to manage your mental health after experiencing a traumatic event, it’s worth considering neurofeedback for PTSD.

How does neurofeedback work?

Neurofeedback works by training your brain using EEG biofeedback technology so that it learns how to regulate itself naturally without medication. This process helps you learn to control negative thoughts and behaviors which are often associated with mental health conditions like PTSD.

The first step in neurofeedback training is to identify when certain patterns occur within your brain during times of high arousal. Once these patterns have been identified, they become targets for change.

Neurofeedback relies on feedback from sensors placed over specific areas of the scalp to provide real-time information about changes in electrical activity occurring within those targeted regions. These signals then guide users towards achieving desired outcomes. The user receives immediate visual and auditory cues based on his/her progress throughout each session.

In addition to providing real-time feedback, neurofeedback sessions involve relaxation exercises designed to reduce physiological arousal while increasing focus. Sessions last anywhere between 20 minutes and 2 hours depending on the type of treatment needed.

Why should I consider neurofeedback for my PTSD symptoms?

There are several reasons why neurofeedback may help manage post-trauma reactions:

1. Neurofeedback provides a safe way to train yourself to manage intense emotions. Many individuals who suffer from trauma find themselves unable to cope with strong emotions because they feel too afraid or ashamed to express them. By learning to tolerate uncomfortable feelings, you will develop new coping strategies that will allow you to live life fully again.

2. Neurofeedback allows you to take charge of your mind instead of letting it run wild. When we don’t know how to handle our emotions, we tend to act out in ways that make us feel worse. Learning to calm down and think before acting can help restore your power in a given situation.

3. Neurofeedback teaches you to recognize triggers and stop reacting automatically. If you’re able to catch yourself thinking “I’m going crazy” or “This isn’t me,” you’ll be less likely to react impulsively. You might even notice that you start having fewer flashbacks or nightmares.

4. Neurofeedback improves sleep quality. Sleep problems are common among people suffering from PTSD. In fact, many studies show that poor sleep contributes to increased levels of distress and impaired functioning. Research shows that regular participation in neurofeedback programs reduces daytime fatigue and increases overall energy levels.

5. Neurofeedback has shown promise in treating other disorders including depression, anxiety, and substance abuse, which are all conditions people with PTSD are more likely to suffer from.

6. It’s easy! Most neurofeedback treatments simply require you to relax. The technology does the rest. There are also remote neurofeedback devices available if you’d prefer not to travel to a clinic every week.

Keep in mind that neurofeedback doesn’t replace traditional therapy. While there is evidence showing that neurofeedback helps treat PTSD, it does so alongside traditional therapies.

Learn more about neurofeedback for PTSD

If you’re interested in learning more about neurofeedback for PTSD, reach out to us today at Braincode Centers. Our specialists are here to help you work through your trauma in a safe, effective way.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.