The pandemic has led most of us to look for at-home solutions to problems. Since the pandemic started, you may have looked for remote neurofeedback treatment for improving your brain health. Would it surprise you to know that the best neurofeedback device in 2021 may be right in your back pocket?

Yes, we’re talking about your smartphone!

What makes the smartphone one of the best neurofeedback devices in 2021?

In the past, the only way for you to receive neurofeedback treatment was in-person with a provider. While in-person neurofeedback training offers great advantages, it may not be feasible for everyone. In this case, a smartphone combined with a trained brain specialist offering guided remote sessions might be the right option for you.

Here are just a few reasons why at-home neurofeedback treatment is the next best option to visiting a provider in-person:

  • Convenience – When you don’t have to leave your living room for a treatment session, that’s about as convenient as it gets.
  • Contactless – Remote neurofeedback requires no outside contact. You simply need access to your smartphone as a neurofeedback device and a personal headset which will be shipped to you.
  • Comfort – From your office to your couch, you can conduct your neurofeedback training sessions in the most comfortable home setting of your choosing.
  • Easily accessible – The sessions take place on a downloadable app that you can access anywhere at any time from most smartphone models.

How do you use your smartphone as a neurofeedback device?

Through a Neurofeedback Practitioner!

At Braincode Centers, we’ve partnered with Neuropeak Pro to offer a cutting-edge way to access neurofeedback treatments sessions through your phone and wearable devices! Here’s how it works:

  • First, contact us to get set up with your remote brain training program. You will be sent an EEG headset with electrical sensors to use at home. They will also pair you with your highly-trained brain coach.
  • Next, you will complete a qEEG brain map either remotely or during an in-office visit. This will help your brain coach determine the best approach for your neurofeedback training protocols.
  • Then download the app provided by Neuropeak Pro.
  • From there, your brain training coach will then guide you through remote training sessions where you will be rewarded for reaching ideal levels of relaxation, performance, or focus. The positive feedback is presented as visual stimuli and auditory feedback in the app.

What is the efficacy of remote neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback therapy is a drug-free treatment used to improve cognitive performance. Through reward-based conditioning, individuals learn how to control their own brains to achieve optimal mental wellness. The goal is to train yourself to regulate certain parts of your brain so they work more efficiently. This treatment is a highly effective tool for helping you reach your brain function objectives.

At-home uses of a neurofeedback device

There’s a wide range of possibilities for using this at-home brain wave tech. For example, “machine-assisted programs such as neurofeedback may help individuals develop their meditation practice more rapidly,” ( in addition to other personal health gains.

Remote neurofeedback can also be used for benefits and mental performance exercises like:

Anxiety and stress reduction

As mentioned before, there are neurofeedback programs that include meditation exercises. Your brain coach can guide you in meditation sessions combined with your device and EEG headset. Some of the in-home experiences can include:

  • Deep breathing exercises
  • Relaxation therapy

Bodily Function Improvement

Whether you’re recovering from an injury, suffer from chronic pain, or want to avoid a nasty cold — you can benefit from a convenient neurofeedback treatment. A session or two can assist with:

  • Pain management
  • Immune system function

Improvement with Sleep Disorders

Neurofeedback devices are the best brainwave tech for improving sleep disorders. A study found that people who received neurofeedback improved their ability to fall asleep faster than those who didn’t receive it. This could mean that neurofeedback may even help with insomnia.

Athletic Performance

Are you looking to reach an extra gear in your sports performance? Your at-home neurofeedback device can provide real-time data on your brain waves while you exercise. You’ll get immediate feedback about whether your brainwaves are too high during specific activities. That way, you know what adjustments need to be made to optimize your workout.

Mental Performance and Cognitive Abilities

Do you experience a constant state of brain fog? Do you suffer from “I can’t find my keys” syndrome? Or do you just need to improve your mental capacity for school or work? If so, an at-home neurofeedback device might be all you need to improve in the following areas:

  • Focus & concentration
  • Memory improvement
  • Creativity
  • Increased energy and productivity
  • Improved learning ability

Mental Health

We all need a little pick-me-up sometimes, but especially after the stressful events of the pandemic. With remote neurofeedback treatment, you can help manage mental health issues and prevent them from arising all in the comfort of your own home. Just pull out your neurofeedback devices and guided app to see benefits like:

  • Decreased depression
  • Overall mood enhancement
  • Self-awareness

Social abilities

Social confidence and skills don’t come naturally to everyone. This can have a lot to do with a particular brain function. Neurofeedback helps with social abilities by helping you understand how your brain works so you can better control your emotions and behaviors. This helps you approach social interactions with more clarity and positivity. Thus, this innovative therapy can help you:

  • Improve your self-esteem / produce more confidence
  • Cultivate better relationships
  • Improve your overall communication skills

In short, the fact that your smartphone can be used for ALL of the above benefits is why it’s the best neurofeedback device this year and the next.

Contact Braincode Centers Today to Schedule At-Home Neurofeedback in Your Area

Are you interested in learning more about neurofeedback therapy at home? Reach out to us at Braincode Centers. We’re proud to offer top-of-the-line equipment and brain training services so you can practice neurofeedback from the comfort of your home. To learn more about at-home neurofeedback in your area, schedule a consultation with one of our trained specialists today.