When it comes to your mental health and your overall wellness, finding treatments and therapies that are a good fit for you is essential. Healthcare is not like a grocery store where if they don’t have exactly what you’re looking for, you can get by just fine with a different brand. It’s quite the opposite, actually. When it comes to your health and wellness endeavors, you want to invest in what makes the most sense for you. That’s the beauty of neurotherapy: it’s entirely customized to you and your needs. Let’s talk about who can benefit from neurotherapy in Denver and whether or not it makes sense for you.

Understanding Neurotherapy In Denver

First things first, you have to know what neurotherapy is to determine if it’s something you should pursue. Neurotherapy encompasses a wide variety of different approaches to mental health care support that are focused specifically on the neurological pathways within your brain. At Braincode Centers, we practice a form of neurotherapy called neurofeedback.

The process of neurofeedback therapy begins with a qEEG brain map. A map gives your clinician a clear idea of what neural pathways are over or under performing and leading to the symptoms you may be experiencing. Armed with that information, you can begin targeted neurotherapy that relies on positive reinforcement to help you not only become more aware of your symptoms and the associated reactions but also how you can change those that are less desirable.

Who Should Consider Neurotherapy?

The beauty of neurotherapy is that it is a 100% customizable approach to health and wellness. Each person’s experience with neurotherapy is going to be wholly unique because the areas of their brain that require support are different. That means that anyone experiencing anything can benefit from neurotherapy in one way or another. Here’s a few specific symptoms that might lead an individual to seek neurotherapy in Denver.


Anxiety is an especially complex condition because it presents so differently across individuals. That’s what makes neurotherapy a great option for those struggling with anxiety because it can be individualized much more so than traditional talk therapy or a medication. When a client is struggling with anxiety, there are often specific triggers that can increase the severity of symptoms. With neurotherapy, you can begin to increase your awareness of your subconscious responses and change them to better control your reactions to triggers that would have once made you feel negatively.


Much like anxiety, depression is a wholly unique condition. Often, on the surface, it’s hard to pinpoint what it is that’s making you feel sad or depressed. That’s why something like neurotherapy can be valuable. Not only can you get a better idea of what is actually going on at a biological level but you can also do something about it. Whether you’re feeling a little off or you’re clinically depressed, neurotherapy in Denver can play a key role in your symptom management and recovery.

Sleep Issues

Often, clients who have trouble sleeping or struggle with insomnia have an underlying trigger or condition that’s playing into their inability to get a good night’s sleep. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. You feel poorly and you can’t sleep. You can’t sleep, so you’re never able to feel 100%. If you don’t know why you’re having trouble sleeping, you can’t treat the problem at the source. With neurotherapy, we can help you identify the issue and rectify it.


Trauma is one of the most challenging experiences to overcome as a human being. There is so much outside the realm of your control that it’s difficult to find a safe space where you can recover from whatever you may have experienced. Neurotherapy can be a key resource for individuals who’ve suffered a traumatic experience and are looking for support both at a biological level, but also just in general.

Braincode Centers: Your Trusted Source For Neurotherapy In Denver

Whether you’re struggling with symptoms of anxiety or you’ve experienced a traumatic event that you’re struggling to overcome, neurotherapy could be exactly what you’re looking for. When you need personalized mental health care that actually works, you need Braincode Centers.

Contact our team today to learn more about our options for neurotherapy in Denver.