More and more people are starting to get more and more serious about their mental health care and wellbeing. Not only that, but the stigma around mental health is also beginning to dissipate as people become more comfortable discussing mental health. All of this means that the availability of the various support and care options is becoming increasingly more prevalent. Traditional mental health care services like talk therapy can be done through an app and the lesser known services like neurofeedback can be done from the comfort of your home. Now, just because a service option is more convenient doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the right solution for you, but it could be. As local neurofeedback specialists, we want to share some insight into the concept of remote neurofeedback and help you determine if neurofeedback at home is right for you.

What Is Neurofeedback?

If you’re not familiar with neurofeedback, you’re not alone. However, it’s definitely a treatment option you want to get familiar with ASAP! Neurofeedback is a non-invasive treatment option that can be used to treat symptoms of conditions that range from autism to PTSD and just about everything in between. It works by identifying neural pathways that are over- or under-performing and leveraging positive feedback to discourage the negative reactions to various stimuli that are related to your symptoms. This sounds complicated so the idea of neurofeedback at home doesn’t even cross most peoples’ minds. It is available, though, and it does work!

How Does Neurofeedback At Home Work?

If you’re interested in neurofeedback at home, our clinicians can help you get started with a live consultation. This will guide the development of a 100% customized training plan that your neurofeedback will be based on. All of your neurofeedback at home will be managed through an app. At Braincode Centers, we use Myndlift, which is equipped with tons of different games that leverage the positive feedback that the neurofeedback is built on.

The Myndlift app is connected to the Muse EEG headband which measures your brain activity and communicates with the app system. An external EEG electrode also connects to the headband to provide real-time measurements from any location on the brain. This information will all feed into the ongoing personalization of your neurofeedback at home.

While wearing the headband, you’ll play games or watch videos. The real-time measurements of your brain waves will indicate when changes need to be made in the training process so you can get the most from your neurofeedback experience.

Mobile Neurofeedback Is Supported By A Remote Coach

Just because you’re able to do neurofeedback at home doesn’t mean you have to do it alone. You’ll have live consultations with a trained neurofeedback clinician to walk you through the process and offer any supporting services you may need to reach your long term goals.

Who Should Try Neurofeedback At Home?

Neurofeedback is a widely applicable treatment option that can benefit just about anyone struggling with any kind of mental health symptoms. Neurofeedback at home can support those who suffer from symptoms of any of the conditions we treat at Braincode Centers. Whether you’re struggling with anxiety, have suffered a traumatic brain injury, or simply want to enhance your performance, neurofeedback at home could be the solution you’re looking for.

Contact one of our clinicians to learn more about neurofeedback at home and find out if it’s the right solution for you.