Has your athletic performance hit a plateau? Do you feel like you’re struggling to hit your next fitness milestone? Or are you trying to hit a faster mile time in your next competitive race? Whatever your health or fitness goals are, you may find the extra boost you’re looking for with biofeedback in Dallas.

This innovative therapeutic intervention allows you to gain better control over your body’s functions. If you’re ready to take your performance to the next level, it’s time to book a biofeedback session.

What is Biofeedback Therapy? And How Does It Work?

Biofeedback is an advanced therapy that analyzes your body functions in real-time. It aims to increase your control of involuntary impulses throughout the body.

During treatment, electrical sensors will be placed along your body. Those sensors will then transmit different types of biofeedback data to a monitor. Biofeedback can measure things like:

  • Brainwaves
  • Breathing
  • Muscle contractions
  • Heart rate
  • Temperature
  • Sweat gland activity
  • And more

Depending on your goals, the monitor will deliver cues to help you become aware of your physiological reactions (Mayo Clinic).

For example, if you want to gain control over involuntary muscle contractions, biofeedback therapy will alert you when those contractions happen. Through repetition, you can make a concentrated effort to modify your internal behaviors and eliminate those contractions.

What Does Biofeedback Treat?

There are several different uses for biofeedback therapy. In many cases, people seek biofeedback to help with physical problems, like pain, loss of movement, or other medical conditions. Others seek this therapy to address the symptoms of mental health disorders, such as:

In addition, research has shown that biofeedback may help certain health conditions and musculoskeletal issues. People with asthma, for instance, may experience fewer symptoms and have decreased airway resistance thanks to biofeedback therapy (Functional Respiratory Disorders).

Can Biofeedback Improve Athletic Performance?

Absolutely. Biofeedback literally measures your physiological reactions and provides accurate data in real-time to your clinician. Here are a few examples of how a biofeedback program can support your sports performance:

  • Optimize your breathing patterns for more efficient performance
  • Control your heart rate for better reaction time
  • Reduce muscle tension for improved timing and flexibility

Aside from greater physical control, biofeedback may help improve your mental health too.

Neurofeedback, also called EEG biofeedback, works to optimize your brainwave activities and improve cognitive function. Athletes may leverage neurofeedback therapy to improve their attention, control their emotions, and alleviate feelings of anxiety or stress.

When your mind is clear and you have better control of your body, your performance will excel. It’s as simple as that.

Give Yourself an Extra Boost with Biofeedback in Dallas

At Braincode Centers, we take a well-rounded, holistic approach to health and wellness. Our clinicians are trained in a variety of biofeedback therapies and procedures. After completing your initial consultation, we will develop a personalized biofeedback treatment plan to help you achieve your performance goals.

Take control of your physical and mental health today. Contact Braincode Centers today to schedule your consultation for biofeedback in Dallas.