Trauma is defined as the change someone experiences after witnessing or experiencing a distressing event. People who live through trauma often experience symptoms on a recurring basis like feeling physically sick, emotionally numb, and psychologically confused. They may experience flashbacks, nightmares, sleep problems, irritability, mood swings, and difficulty concentrating. To overcome these issues, it’s a good idea to seek out trauma therapy in Dallas and explore treatments for your trauma.

People who have survived trauma may develop posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD occurs when a person feels like they cannot escape or control what happened to them. Some common symptoms of PTSD include feeling anxious, sad, angry, or guilty about something that happened during the traumatic event.

Experts say that 70% of adults report having experienced at least one traumatic event. This equates to 225 million people in the US who have been impacted by trauma. Additionally, those who seek treatment for trauma are 14x more likely to be diagnosed with a substance use disorder. Simply put, trauma can affect all aspects of your life.

How the Brain is Affected by Trauma

After trauma, there are three main regions of the brain that are affected the greatest by the event: the amygdala, hippocampus, and prefrontal cortex. These 3 regions affect emotion, memory, and impulse control respectively, and they all work together when it comes to managing our emotions.

Trauma Therapy in Dallas

Trauma therapy is a type of cognitive behavioral therapy that helps people process traumatic events such as sexual assault, physical abuse, child neglect, war, natural disasters, etc. The goal of therapy is to help patients work through the emotions and thoughts associated with trauma and help clients reevaluate their experiences. Therapists use a variety of techniques including psychoeducation, relaxation training, exposure therapy, cognitive restructuring, and relapse prevention to help those with trauma.

Therapeutic interventions can help people cope better with their trauma, and reduce feelings of anxiety, depression, anger, fear, guilt, shame, and self-blame. Therapy can also give patients a safe space to talk about their reactions to traumatic events without judgment.

In order to get effective trauma therapy in Dallas, it’s important to find the right therapist for each client. If you’re struggling with trauma, it can be helpful to find someone who specializes in treating it. We can help at Braincode Centers

Neurofeedback for Trauma

Neurofeedback is a treatment modality that works to help people get out of unhealthy habits of brain activity. During neurofeedback sessions, the patient sits in front of a computer screen that displays their brainwaves. As they think about or process a task being performed, the software tracks the electrical frequency of those thoughts and provides real-time feedback to the patient and their clinician. This gives the patient the opportunity to adjust their brainwave patterns and cognitive behaviors to reduce symptoms. By changing how the brain responds to stimuli, the patient learns to control their brain’s response to stressors.

Improve Your Everyday Life with Holistic Trauma Therapy in Dallas

Prioritize your emotional wellness and brain health today with Braincode Centers!

As a leading brain treatment center in Dallas, we’ll go the extra mile to meet your health and wellness needs. Once you complete your qEEG brain map, we’ll use that information to develop a customized treatment plan for you. We can even integrate our neurofeedback program into your talk therapy sessions.

Contact us today!